
I agree with you about how most shows/movies would use Syd. I think Hawley is better than that though.

If it was any other show, I would be rolling my eyes at another show doing the trope where the characters are stuck in an imaginary insane asylum.

He stood out to me in the original trailer to this show, even though he does little more then stand around in the background of the room where David is being interviewed. He actually looks like a nude model from an art class of mine.

For all the movie trailers that try and use a creepy version of a song and only inspire eye-rolls and laughter, Legion just got it right.

Something about her in this role. She comes off as just as unnatural as the over monsters like Devil with the Yellow Eyes and the World's Angriest Boy, yet it is pretty much just her performance doing it.

This was probably Jean Smart's best episode so far. We've known about her wanting her husband back for a couple of episodes now, but the intensity of it really hit hard tonight.

The third episode was nightmarish, but that time they were going into David's head looking for it. This episode is scarier because everything that scared you in the third episode seems to be loose in the world now.

This is a show I always break my Sennheiser headphones out for, although it results in me often thinking some of the noise from the show is in the house with me. As if this show wasn't creepy enough.

Alex's review of this episode is great, but I in no way agree with him that the sound of ping pong balls was assuring at the end of the episode. I had to turn the credits off because it was unsettling me.

I agree with that. You already have Frodo as the reluctant hero taking on a burden. There wasn't any need to have Aragorn do that the same thing.

You are right that the dream sequence isn't that bad. It is the moping about him being dead that really drags it down.

Sorry. I meant when scenes are added into a movie release in general. Yeah, that is the only bad example in the LotR Extended Editions. It being one annoying addition among a whole lof of good ones is why it annoys me so much.

Sadly, from my college years, I recognized those noodles right away. But yeah, there isn't much difference in prep.

They took that a step further when the dead show up to kill all the remaining bad guys, abd it's worse in the Extended Version. In the theatrical release, there are no scenes to let you know that that the corsairs aren't there to reinforce Sauron's forces. The movie plays up the feeling of doom, followed by the

That makes sense if the trailer is placed as ad in front of another video. It makes less sense for the actual video that is put on Youtube for people who have actively decided to select and watch this trailer.

It's proven historical fact that when pikemen are facing down a cavalry charge, if you shine light in the pikemen's eyes, they will all lift their pikes, leaving themselves defenseless.

If we are going to talk about the worst thing in the movie as a whole, it's the whole part with everyone thinking Aragorn is dead. We've already had the part where Frodo gets stabbed by cave troll and it looks like he is dead, but the bulletproof ve-, er mithril armor saved him. We've had Gandalf die and come back. We

Thanks for the good… thoughts.

Hey, the Geo Storm wasn't a tin box on wheels. That was the faux sportscar model from Geo. It almost, sort of looked cool in the way of an off-brand Hot Wheels car. The Geo Metro was the real tin box on wheels.

Pre-trailer teases are the worst. Not that this trailer is a work of art or anything, but it has a some sense of pacing. Throwing every big visual in front of that just makes those moment fall flat in the actual trailer. It just makes no sense.