
"But with the right presentation, this dish will be sure to impress the shit out of whatever snooty food critic happens to be dining at your house that night. "

I think actually it was due to him using it a substitute for dipping. He just wanted an excuse to spit a lot.

My ex-roommate.

LIcking donuts is the most powerful way to express contempt for America.

My roommate would always be setting his coffee cups on the floor by the couch to be kicked over, despite their being a perfectly good coffee table immediately in front of him.

Nobody said he was giving up his UK citizenship. I still have my Australian passport as a parachute.

Until yesterday…

You can have dual UK-US citizenship, so he can battle on two fronts.

And that is only a halfway solution as you need to know to look for something. I'd like them to make this site a little more encouraging to actually browse.

Alternately, I remember being at a party where a biker told me that he really liked LSD because it allowed him to drink longer without passing out. It was quite the soirée.

That certainly casts the headline in a darker light.

I had a roommate who lapsed back into a dip habit that I had no knowledge of about a week after moving in. He would use coffee cups, and yes, of course there was one bleary morning where I grabbed the wrong one.

@avclub-853573b5a907ed8b2f4fec25a92406a2:disqus has spent his whole life on the run from Big Tobacco assassins looking to prevent us from ever knowing what you ask. He only surfaces to post here at great personal risk to himself.

I just wish there was a link from the header that lead to a list of the titles of every column and feature.

My mother actually owned an '88 Ford Taurus, so as a teenager, I had to drive it on a regular basis. It remains the worst piece of shit I have ever driven. It had this incredibly floaty power steering that provided almost no tactile feedback of the road at all, kind of like a steering wheel in an arcade driving game.

I've strongly disagreed with Mike on a lot of his opinions, but he picks damned interesting topics to disagree about. His column has been a great conversation starter. Given how much of the content produced on the site is of the moment and disposable, it's sad to see Scenic Routes come to an end.

Robocop didn't become true. I saw it the day it hit the theaters and it was already true. Sadly, it just happens to mostly still be true, although America is a shitload less violent that it was back in the '80s, whatever Trump might be saying to scare people.

I have a friend in Indiana who only had dial-up available until three years ago, so probably.

I probably came off as overly harsh. There was definitely a sweet spot in there, which I would say was Season 5, and even past that the show still have good episodes. I have just found every seasonal arc past that point to be very unsatisfying.

Trump isn't really qualified to be a Captain Planet villain. You need to be CEO of some vast corporate conglomerate to be worthy of the job. Not some loudmouth landlord who built a few skyscrapers and golf courses.