
I agree, but I am happy to see R-rated movies become a thing again. I don't want everything to be R, but we have gone through decades of a PG-13 ceiling where projects that should have been R weren't allowed to be. I'm just happy that filmmakers will have have more freedom again.

I can handle vertical video sometimes. but the guy keeps moving the camera right and left because he is having trouble getting it on the screen. Just turn your damn phone.

If you have read much of Franklin's writing, it is entirely possible he was joking.

I always thought Hall and Oates was adult contemporary music that Boomers listened to.

I used to work at the Borders near Oprah, and we handled all of her book purchases. She'd have all her assistants compete to get the books to her first, so it was always a both sad and funny frenzy of activity.

Farscape would be the standout in that department, in my opinion.

Excellent username/avatar/comment synergy.

So far this is the second person in his administration to get busted talking to Russian, and the last one, Flynn, did actually resign over it.

On the other hand, constant meaningless complaints about Trump drown out the meaningful ones. The only reason he is mentioned in this article is to say, "Maybe it's Trump! Actually it isn't Trump." It's crap like that is causing people to start filtering out legitimate criticisms of Trump.

You mean we could a movie version of Storm that was actually like Storm?

If he watches TV for a week before committing his first murder, it would he hard not to get a superficial education in modern serial killers.

I remember back in the early years of the new Doctor Who series, people were excited that Moffat was actually using time travel as an element in the story, not just a way to move from one story to the next. That turned out to be the beginning of the show gradually crawling up inside its own asshole.

The popularity of Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy at the moment suggest that audiences are just fine with space opera, realistic or not. I think it is the budget thing.

It did seem an article in search of a purpose. Then again, I'm just happy that we are mostly back to having FOC articles that aren't simple-minded outrage generators. It serves the purpose of saying, "Let's all talk about time travel shows!"

And it's notable that he likes to travel to Sherlock Holmes times and Agatha Christie times because BBC always has costumes and sets ready for that.

I think taking the stairs to the top of Trump Tower would be enough to kill him. There wouldn't be a need to actually jump.

I had to keep a journal for a freshman writing course. Once the class was over, I kept it up for a couple more years. When I went back and reviewed them, it was alarming how different my memories were from what I had written at the time. I've always been wary of over-relying on memory since then.

It's nice that Hawley seems to be in a position at FX where he can work at his own pace. There is no set time that Fargo gets a new season. We get it when it is ready, and if Hawley wants to detour and do something like Legion, that's fine too. Fargo is also loose enough in concept that he can take it in a lot of

This show contains multitudes.

Now I need to rewatch the show and see where we get the first flashback to Lenny before the institution. If it after she dies, that would back your theory.