
True. JJ isn't making this movie.

It kind of makes sense when you only have a TV remote to enter data with. Even if the voice recognition is only semi-reliable, it's a lot easier than entering a movie title with a remote.

Well, yeah. You have a point.

Give Beatty some credit. He did realize something was wrong with the card instantly. If he was dumb, he would have declared Emma Stone to be Best Picture. This wasn't his fuckup.

To be fair, Tolkien did start a sequel to The Lord of the Rings called The New Shadow which he rapidly lost interest in and never finished. If he was alive today, he couldn't take a smoke break without someone shouting at him to get back and finish it.

HuffPo exists to make Newswire look like the gold standard of journalistic excellence.

He made a damn fine brush cutter.

W really didn't seem to be a family project though. They were working on Jeb. Keep in mind that Rumsfeld and his gang were enemies of Bush Sr. going back his days as head of the CIA in the '70s. This was a case of the unfavored son falling in with his family's enemies who flattered him so they could use his name.

I fail to see how Bush's "You are with me or you are with the terrorists" bullshit wasn't a war on the media. The only credit you can give the Bush administration is that they actually did a good job attacking the media and keeping it in line. This is an area where Trump's complete incompetence is actually preferable

The preferred term is "merkin".

"But she has famous relatives" is probably the worst reason anyone here has given for her inclusion.

Isn't it for 2016? Wouldn't he go in next year?

Pandora. A world torn apart by a brutal war between a mining company and local rebels. It's a vacation paradise!

An additional influence I just picked up on, that Coneheads LP has a cover of "Lizard Lady" by The Residents.

Little known fact: She got her start playing the lamp in that Ikea commercial.

Think about it.

That's not true at all. More people voted for Clinton in the last election than vote for Clinton, and it was a low turnout on both sides. The Republicans are far from united. The main reason Trump keeps trying to do everything through executive order is because he is scared to try and get legislation through a

I was in my late teens when that came out, but I'm guessing even the TV ads for that would have scared the shit out of me when I younger.

Surgery is always a risk. My mother had routine hiatal hernia surgery last year that should have sent her home the next day. It almost killed her. She had blood in her lungs and was in hospital for over a week, and mostly immobilized with an oxygen tank for a few weeks longer. She's tough as shit though, and is back

There is plenty to criticize about AoS, but it has done well at dodging the MCU mediocre villain curse.