
It's even more entertaining as we are going from fake music to fake magazine, which is a reasonably straight line. Mike Vago wouldn't feel like he earned his paycheck with that though. He's going to take us on a journey to get there.

Having the whole run of The American instantly uploaded into your head all at once could be damaging. I don't recommend it.

The show really foregrounded the reality of the powers at the end of the first episode when David asked Sydney if this was all real, and she assured him it that it was. It was kind of a meta-moment where the show was telling us the rules going forward. This stuff is really happening. The show isn't going to end with

It was an entertaining enough story by itself, but Hugh Jackman raised it to legendary celebrity anecdote with that one line.

And if you are talking WWII, the French didn't exactly run. They just got conquered. It was their Brit allies that did all that running away at Dunkirk.

He comes off a lot worse in print as well. When I have heard audio interviews of him talking about things like the Watchmen movie, there is a certain wry, amused resignation to his comments that is completely lost when you reduce it to text.

True. I forgot who I was talking to.

And like how Alan Moore just can't stop complaining about Watchmen and DC because everytime he gets interviewed to talk about his latest project, he gets asked about Watchmen again.

You shouldn't be able ruin a movie/show with a plot detail, but it certainly can diminish the suspense/surprise element of it. My opinion on the whole thing is somewhat moderate. I think it's good manners to avoid needless spoiling, but I'm not going to freak out if someone spoils something for me.

Time enough at last to make all the comments you want, but nobody to upvote them.

I already tried to Persia-d them to end it and and it didn't help.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter if he believes it or not. We do need to confront it either way. Whether he is mentally ill or a political opportunist is a side issue that I guess we don't need to get sidetracked into arguing about.

Speaking as 45 year old, I feel much, much better about how I am aging now.

I'm not saying Coulter and Jones aren't hateful, awful people. They are. I just don't think they give a shit about what kind of hate they are spewing, as long it sells.

Having done some acting myself over the years, I will also add that it is a lot easier to do an over-the-top, unhinged performance than it is to just act like a normal human being reacting in a normal human way. His unhinged behavior just makes me more certain he is just putting on an act.

Entertainers are perfectly capable of violently weeping on-demand, as thousands of years of dramatic presentations can atest. He's a fraud.

Just looked up that CPAC Russian flag thing. That is one brilliant prank.

This would be funnier if most of the reviews weren't already clearly jokes. Still, it's Patrick Stewart having fun, so I can only complain so much.

That's a great example. Around the time of Locust Abortion Technician when I was a teenager, I was absolutely in love with that band, yet they were dead to me after Electriclarryland in an almost literal sense. I don't think I have even thought about them once in the last 20 years or so, which is odd for a band I was

My sister listened to Gordon a lot back when it first came out. It was this quirky little album that I never heard anywhere else, and reminded me of her. It made me sad when they became an oversaturated band that I couldn't stand to listen to anymore.