Bald Beagle

I remember the days when the Australian Open rebound ace courts were the slowest thing outside of Spain, France, Italy and South America. I didn’t mind it because it differentiated itself more from the quickness of the US Open courts, but it has probably made for more exciting tennis since the switch.

There’s no point in climbers doing the TDU. Australia is a flat country, and nowhere is flatter than South Australia, where the race is held.

Maybe Carroll raised a false flag.

The West team is what I would have chosen, and the East team is probably just a swap of Irving for Lowry, though Kyrie’s not a scandalous inclusion or anything.

It’s hard. Us Australians are notoriously fickle when it comes to supporting our tennis stars. No one has been beloved since the heyday of Pat Rafter.

Olympic Games and FIFA World Cups held in the U.S., western Europe or Australia have a tremendous track record.

Someone else mentioned this in a comment on a different article, but the media needs to stop asking multi-faceted questions. Short, simple, direct questions with no follow up in the same question are the only way to go.

Are the negatives about him any different to what was being said about Jameis Winston before he got drafted? Except Watson can use his legs, so has more strings to his bow?

I like that he cares almost too much.

SEIU building services unions are organizing more members than they are losing, and have done for years.

SEIU building services unions are organizing more members than they are losing, and have done for years.

Incorrect. In fact, the only unions with growth right now are those dealing with the private sector.

Schilling would already be in if he wasn’t such a dickwad, right? That Bonds and Clemens are both ahead of him - and more than likely to get in eventually - is a strong sign that he’s going sinking his own hopes after his career is done. That’s a very impressive feat.

To be fair, if you’re using the DC metro like in the photo, you’re gonna be late no matter how early you leave.

Two things I made up as a young teen to exonerate myself that both got police involved:

The most iconic facial hair to Australians would be Merv Hughes’ mustache - he’s a former cricketer-slash-cult hero.

Watch Spurs turn them over tomorrow now.

Serious question: have you thought of running for office?

A big FUCK YOU to Amari Cooper, part of my 10-2 romper of a fantasy team but who finally dragged my bedraggled fantasy corpse into a ditch after weeks of trying with another 2 point effort.

Simmons hasn’t been a decent writer for a long time (I probably last enjoyed reading him in any sense in 2014), but man his takes are bad and his writing seems so so so dated now.