
Yeah, I only specified NE because they live in NYC now. But yeah they could've all been from UCLA, UNC, Vanderbilt…

Why Harvard…I know Stoller went there but…borrrrrring. Why couldn't they all go to, I dunno, one of the other 3,000,000 schools in the northeast?

Remember when Gary went off on her and then they shared some cake? There you saw SOME kind of empathy from Selina.

Glad someone else feels the same. It's brutal. Maybe it's because she's flailing, but there always seemed to be some kind of redeeming quality about her before.

I feel like this whole season Selina has been much nastier, almost to distraction.

Probably right around "Broken Arrow"…

And, you know, Samantha Mathis.

But man, "Everybody Knows," "Wave of Mutilation"… so good.

Pump Up the Volume is the perfect transition movie from the '80s to the '90s because that surly teen attitude is what was simmering below all that New Wave music that started in the '80s. But it's painful to watch now. BUT GREAT SOUNDTRACK.

Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings

YES. This is just pointless misery that TWD threw at us.

Tom Hanks. Kristen Bell. Kathryn Hahn. Saiorse Ronan. Denzel.

I actually like the books better. There's a bit more humor in them, and Walt isn't quite as gruff. Also you get more of a feel for the town and the wilderness.

But there's that weird part where he does Funny People, inexplicably, where he seems to be trying. And then quickly gives up again.

Same graph for Sandler, please.

Doctor Who. I don't get it. That and Firefly.

You know what I don't understand? Why does Frieda have naturally curly hair? I mean the negative signals that's sending to kids about their own flat hair when her's is naturally THAT curly? It's just awful. Plus my niece wants to know why her hands aren't cutely rounded off like the Power Puff Girls. She's got these

In MEDIA, maybe. Not in cartoons. Cartoons are not a reflection of reality.

I feel like this is the kind of movie that, if made in the '70s, would be much more powerful and not at all on the nose like this is. "Money is bad!" Yeah, I don't think anyone wants to see this movie.

I didn't think it was that bad. Dennis is a one-note bummer, and all these subdued LA sad-sack shows get boring after a while. Honestly, Cooler was my favorite character. At least he does something besides mope and look blankly into the middle distance.