Balázs Mihálka

That same year when Fiat srewed up the Multipla, they happened to ruin another of their iconic designs: the mk2 Punto. In '03 they deleted the unique blade-like styling, and gave their supermini a Veedub-like front end. Come on Fiat, you silmpy don't need to mimic ze germans when it comes to economy cars!

Yeah, I actually did. It was a Škoda press event, where neither a press kit, nor photographing the slides was an option. But the czecks where kind enough to provide a notebook and pen. So.... this is what i did.

It's basically the Bavarian Škoda. Let me explain: the czech's well proven recipe to make a bestseller is this: Take a german compact (a Golf in most cases); Add couple of inches to the wheelbase; Raise the roof just a tiny bit; Finanally add a hatchback. Tadaa... here's the new Škoda. Or BMW.

True Peogeot-Talbot Sport decals, yumm!

The Rieger widebody. They used it to riun E30s, Opels, Sciroccos and Golfs.

The 80's in Soviet-Russia have seen some crazy hommede tuner-cars, only a few as well executed as the Pangolin. Designed and built by engineer Alexander Kulygin, it was the closest you could get the Lamborghini Countach in 1982 CCCP. The body was made of fibreglass, with the cabin lid supported by hydraulic struts. As