
So the ice has more than quadrupled and is still increasing, and shows no signs of stopping until possibly 2090 based on models? Seems like something we should put on the back burner for now.

And people wonder why Britain and the United States don’t want these refugees.

How is any of this car news!

You must have missed the entire point. Your ninja-edit was precisely the only thing I was responding to.

What I invite you to consider is that your initial statement placed the F-35's development at 1.5 trillion dollars. That figure is actually the estimated life-cycle cost of the program.

English is not the end-all requirement for critical thinking. You have command of one, but not the other.

What’s sad is that you confused “development costs” with “new build planes, spare parts, fuel, motor oil, tires, paint, bombs and training for 2,000 supersonic stealth fighter-bombers over a period of fifty years”.

They are all code-monkeys. Ello’s just happen to be of Indian descent. I don’t think racism was the intent here. Maybe programmercism.

Code monkey is a legitimate term for those that write code, and it just so happens that there’s a shitload of them in India that will work for pennies on the dollar, so how’s about you cool it with the knee- jerk butthurt?

Someone very high up at the Navy saw what we in IT are doing with “CD/CI” (Continuous Development/Integration) and got super jealous of it.

And, from how their project seems to be going, it sounds like they are having the exact same problems. It’s just harder to farm out a hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars subsystem to

So tired of posts derailing the topic to talk about the Olympics.

Having driven on I-70 in Missouri, I can confirm that 1956 was the last time major road work was done in the state.

They can be shocking.

Now playing

except it’s not a reference to ludacris, it’s a reference to spaceballs;

For the same reason they didn't include a golf cart, I suppose.

Alternate headline:

As much as people want to claim that Clinton or Trump or people who want “safe spaces” are Fascists I think that claim itself presents an unwillingness to answer ideas with ideas rather than labels. I think spoiled and naive protesters are about as far from the Third Reich or the Red Guard as you can get.

i think it’s pretty clear.