
We had one of our cinema mystery shoppers phone us up to ask what film was on at about 8pm 'cos that as when she was "planning to come in and mystery shop us". Needless to say we got 100% on that shop and an extra £50 bonus in our pay packet for hitting top marks...

My job had a secret shopper come through who complained an employee of the store was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, had piercings, and refused to help them with anything. That employee and the store both were given a very low rating because of that.

Me too! Gotta make Laurie Colwin's gingerbread cake with chocolate frosting again soon. It was divine.


Caramel Machete is now my stage name. Called it.

oh man, that's a crazy one. but yeah, the people doing secret shopping aren't actually hired for their observation skills!

Regarding secret shoppers: Editor's Note: There is no screening process. Any idiot can — and usually does — sign up for that job

I once had a friend refuse to eat a slice of lemon pound cake because I mentioned I'd used my homemade vanilla in it (like 2 tsp in the whole cake). She doesn't drink, and when she learned that my homemade vanilla is vanilla beans in vodka, she declined the cake. I explained that unless powdered vanilla is used, all

When I was in Europe, selling monogrammed thermoses, THEY would cook my steaks for me until it was tender, no matter how long it took. Americans are so lazy sometimes.

This video is beautiful and needs to be part of the main story.

I am a Minneapolitan. The idea that Betsy Hodges is in a gang or supports gang activity, is literally as likely as your third grade teacher joining a gang and flashing signs.

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Hey, it would be great to include the REAL, positive story here! The organization is Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC), and they are PROUD to be hiring folks who have served their time and now want to serve the community! Check out their video on this very thing.

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Here's a video that was shot the same day that photo was taken, including the exact moment it was taken:

Nekima Levy-Pounds, a law professor and columnist, calls the Pointergate story "appalling" and theorized that the police are angry with the mayor over her support for a body camera pilot program in the department.

The other thing to mention is that the Minneapolis police chief, Janeé Harteau (far left) was with them! She probably knows a thing or two about gang signs.

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Professor Levy-Pounds knows what the fuck she's talking about. Minneapolis police - like a lot of police departments - have a history and culture of over-policing, using too much force, and generally acting like racist shitheads in communities of color. Mayor Hodges and Chief Harteau have been working to make

I live around these parts, and most people I know are saying "Are you fucking kidding me?" The response is an overwhelming: "Oh, FFS KSTP. Really?"

Nekima Levy-Pounds, a law professor and columnist, calls the Pointergate story "appalling" and theorized that the police are angry with the mayor over her support for a body camera pilot program in the department.

LOLOLOLOL I love in Europe and everyone is lily white. Guess what? White men absolutely fucking catcall in disgusting and threatening ways every single day. By themselves. In pairs. In groups.