
It’s crazy effective for my symptoms too. I battle nausea constantly, so I can either take promethazine and fall asleep or a couple of tokes and keep living my life. Unfortunately, I live in Tennessee, which will likely be one of the last states to adopt any form of legalized weed. The county I live in did recently

Fellow Crohnie here. I have prescriptions for a slew of meds to combat symptoms, but I get more relief from marijuana than from most of those medications. (Humira is the exception. I had to stop it a couple of years ago for insurance reasons and landed in the hospital in short order.)

My cynicism has reached new heights. I believe he’ll somehow escape unscathed from this situation like he has all the others. Every time I let myself believe he’s really done for, I’m wrong, so when I see posts like this, my first thought is, “It won’t matter. Nothing ever matters.”

Oh my god. I love this so much.

If anyone chimes in here wondering how this screw-up could possibly relate to politics, I’ll let them take a gander at my Facebook page. It’s rife with misspelled taunting and excessive use of exclamation points, as follows: “HAHAHAHAHAAA...stupid fucking libtards, they screw everything up. There getting what they

Their silence is all about complicity. We’re kidding ourselves if we think the Republicans disagree with Trump and his hateful rhetoric. All you have to do is watch Chris Wallace’s interview with Reince Priebus (who, thanks to Jezebel, will forever and always be Rancid Proboscis to me). He refused to condemn any of

Blaming liberals for violence is already happening. In the most massive case of psychological projection I’ve ever seen, the right is portraying the left as a bunch of uneducated, racist, intolerant thugs. Conservative politicians are claiming to be afraid of liberals.

There’s a line from SNL last weekend that has stuck with me. Cecily Strong plays a People’s Court judge and says to Trump, who’s on trial, “I just want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me.” 

It was fascinating to see it broken down in the Vox video. Hopefully more members of the media will make the same decision Mika did and refuse to talk to her. I’m not sure why journalists give any of these assholes an outlet to perpetuate their lies, especially from an ethics standpoint.

Yes, bravo to Mika for taking a stand, but it’s rendered nearly impotent by Scarborough’s comment (bolding is mine): “And again, I don’t even think she’s saying things she knows to be untrue, she’s just saying things to get in front of a TV set.”

You are exactly right. My cynicism has reached new heights. When I saw this headline, it prompted me to a) snort loudly and b) scream, “What, so they’re going to put her in timeout for a fucking hour?”

While screaming “fake news” is their latest diversionary tactic, it’s also an example of projection at its finest. I haven’t seen any non-fake news come from the White House yet.

I don’t think there are enough chemicals in the world to get me through this, although I do partake in a natural remedy that helps a ton; unfortunately, it also hinders my ability to work, so I have to save it for nighttime. That leaves way too many unmedicated hours during the day.

Just like Trump paid off Ivana, who also once went public with abuse accusations. My innate sense of justice keeps getting blown to smithereens.

Things are happening at such lightning speed that it’s impossible to keep track of all the Republican-led cookie-jar raiding, which is part of their strategy. While we’re paying attention to the big stuff, like EPA/Medicare abolishing and defense spending, they’re introducing a multitude of less high-profile—but no

I mean, are Republicans lining up any laws and protections that actually benefit the public and setting out to systematically destroy them, one by one? It never seems to stop. They want to abolish the EPA and withhold funding from Planned Parenthood. Dodd-Frank is going away, and I just read that the Consumer

I was impressed at the accuracy of his letter/asterisk placement in the parenthetical n-word. Not sure how he managed to restrain himself and not fully spell out the word, though, since self-censoring is clearly not his strong suit.

When I saw the headline, my first thought was that chances are good he rebuffed advice from others on how he should conduct himself in terms of custom. My second thought was the point you made. A few minutes on Google is all it takes.

Trust me, you don’t want to see it, because they ARE still justifying it. I unfollowed a ton of Facebook “friends,” and unfriended a few of the most rabid pro-Trumpers, but I can still see comments on liberal friends’ posts, and they’re rage-inducing.

They’ll likely try in some way to pretend the ruling never happened. It wouldn’t surprise me to see some sort of terror attack very soon. And I’d be willing to bet that if it occurs, it will be engineered by Putin. It benefits Putin if Trump stays president, and one way to help keep him in the job is to create a