
Last time I checked you dont go to jail and get released on parole. That would be prison. And domestic violence doesn't typically carry a heavy enough sanction in most states to require prison time unless their record warrants such.

We shouldn't judge what Rice did to Olbermann until we get video, though.

Keith Olbermann Punches the NFL In the Face, Drags It Out Into The Lobby, Sends It A Copy Of Said Punching Via FedEx, Tells The NFL That It Wasn't Really All That Bad, Leaks The Video to TMZ, Is Ordered Into Its Manhattan Offices, And Then Sits And Watches The Video With It Just Laughing His Ass Off

Jay Sanin DELETES unfunny comment.

Keith Olbermann can't even.

Keith Olberman walks into an elevator. OUCH!

"He should be holding to that story "

Online dating worked for my wife and I. We met via The three things I tell everybody who's ever asked 'does it work?' is:

I'm starting to think that Goodell and the NFL are lying about their handling of the Ray Rice incident.

They were winning 23-3, not losing.

London is still a sure thing. The English know a thing or two about Rogering.

The Rice tape is just the tip of the officially-licensed merchandiseberg. Goodell has been lying and covering up for years. Just ask Senator Arlen Spector, who never received a sufficient explanation to his inquiry about the destruction of the Spygate tapes. Or ask the reporters who tried to uncover the reasons behind

"with consideration given to mitigating factors"

Been waiting for this. So awesome that he's about to come to not just an end, but a spectacularly horrible, embarrassing end. It is a glorious day!

I particularly like how they want a long, thorough investigation to the handling of the Rice incident... but didn't think to have any form of investigation into the ACTUAL Rice incident.


Student: Could you imagine if it comes out that you've orchestrated a massive cover-up? Boy, would your face be red!

"Remember children: when it comes to tackling, whether it be running backs or social problems, it is important that you never use your head."

"Mr. Goodell: Your Commissionership appears to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?"

Now you guys are just fucking with me.