
Speaking of Hot Dog: The Movie, a movie I loved by the way. The guy who played Rudi, John Reger, was a newscaster here in Minnapolis. I was drinking at a patio with a buddy when he walked by. I yelled out Hey Rudi!! he looked at me. Being a bit buzzed I pointed at him and said you are Rudi!!!. He laughed and walked

A lot to unpack?!?!?  Jesus Drew, that email leaves way too many questions!!! We need a follow up!!!

I know I am late to the game here. I played soccer my whole life from College to high level amateur.  In off seasons we would play co-ed.  It was great.  Our teams always utilized our women.   It made the game more fun.  And frankly it is what made us better.  Soccer especially is teamwork focused sport.  Use the

I got the same rash, many years ago. I think they then prescribed Amoxocillin? Not 100% sure, but since then, I have always answered “Cipro” to the question of any allergies?

This was another of those serendipitous things that happen from time to time. Today is my Fathers birthday, he died a month ago 12 years ago. I miss him everyday, but articles like this make me remember him. He made me the baseball fan I am today, and am thankful for that.

Go to a Farmers market and get a few bars. I have found them to be very “clean” and without residue. Plus a lot of them double as shampoo. That I, as a short haired man, really like.

I agree for the most part, but there have been a few books that I have struggled with. Quit at the same spot every time. only to go back again and again, because I wanted to read it. I swear to god. It was always just a few pages after my “quitting” spot where it just took off. Granted these were “classics” and I

I am not judging, really, people can do what they want. I loved hearing “it’s a girl!” for the two daughters I have. It was so fun!

OK, that Zack Morris is Trash sent me down a rabbit hole. I am not mad.

Duke’s top recruit

This time it is OK to cry at your desk. It is important to cry at your desk. While you do it don’t be ashamed, but tell everyone why.

St Paul here, and I would prefer the Vikings win more than lose...But fuck that guy. PA sucks.

We have done this and it is completely true!! We rotate folgers coffehouse, a Target brand “Kona blend”, and Gevalia. All cheap, all decently flavored. A sort of rotation.

This is beautiful. These pictures made me start humming “Tea in the Sahara” Now I am listening to The Police catalog. This was a nice way to start the day.

This was a great read. I wasn’t introduced to cars by my dad, but I lost him and found them on my own. I will one day restore something, but right now Time and Money doesn’t work. Oh well.

Sorry, but that is where the Vikings lose. Probably to Green Bay, at home.

This is the correct order.

Had one, it was junk. But it got me to and from where I wanted to go. Eventually traded it for a Kawasaki GPZ750. That was fun for a while. I then traded for a Snowboard when it stopped running and I was moving.

I had to go back and look...that is amazing?

That is pretty great, i am happy at 200 but damn all four of those guys are pretty damn good. Well done. By the way...I love that Steve Pavlinko Jr made sure to keep it real. Gotta keep the Jr there.