Baka Yori Danjo

I love love LOVE the idea these morons have that Trump will bring back small-scale, inefficient manufacturing to rural and exurban America!

It is super ironic that the narrative is now shaping up that apparently liberals’ desires to prevent racism on college campuses so triggered Real America (tm) that the working classes who hadn’t been to college fled into the warm safe arms of Daddy Trump....

These are the type of people, I’ve recently come to realize, who think they aren’t being racist because they aren’t overtly claiming they hate black people, and aren’t out lynching anyone.

Now playing

I’d argue this is the best track from G Gundam. I’d also argue that G Gundam is best gundam because of the fact that it is also the worst gundam :)

PSST. NAMCO-BANDAI... Could really use a VR Gundam game... its not you don’t have the time to make one.

So it was a pushback against the “establishment,” huh? Then can you explain to me why nearly every incumbent Congressperson running was re-elected?

First of all, I actually eat 7 or 8 small meals a day, not three. Fuck you and your inside-the-box Three Squares a Day hegemonic bullshit—which is a big fucking part, by the way, of why so many Americans are so unhealthy. Also, a couple of those meals are protein shakes and I avoid corn (your second most important

Hey there are tons of farms in my area too. Several right down the street, in fact, growing all manner of awesome stuff. And no shortage of beauty either - mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, you name it. That’s part of what makes it nice to live here, but a bigger part is people not being racist shitbags.

I was trying to come up with a quip about how ludicrous that statement is, but I don’t even know where to start. These people honestly believe that white people bend over backward to be nice to black people, but black people are savages who live to abuse white people. Is there any way to make that more ridiculous?

We have a dragon slaying problem in American politics: our system is set up to convince us that the work stops after an election, which sucks attention and energy away from solving practical problems once the election is over. Everybody is so exhausted by that point, it’s hard to summon the will to create change.

I used to think it was hilarious until Trump became the nominee then it became a realization just sad people are. Whenever someone talks about BLM, it is a reminder just how great a job our history books have done in whitewashing MLK jr. Some of the tactics were advocated by MLK jr, such as disruption if peaceful

You don’t see reality.

We don’t have to just ‘deal with it.’ We can show them the fuckin’ door. Their inability to function like normal human beings isn’t our problem. We ain’t raising these asshats. We don’t need to provide them a safe and secure place to deposit the radioactive garbage they use in lieu of actual human interactivity.

Are you serious? Did you know that people thought there were female Navy Seals after GI Jane? That people think the Scarlet Letter is a movie starring Demi Moore and the book was written after the movie. What fraction of people do you think were aware of the Titanic sinking in 1912 before the 1997 movie came out?

I don’t understand this line of thought. Haven’t you spoken to many many people who don’t want to admit slavery happened or who thought it wasn’t so bad. Like “these were just some fellas me and my family fed, clothed and housed in exchange for a few chores”.

It’s an important distinction for me and the fact that I choose to articulate that when discussing Hillary has nothing to do with being a hipster. I said I’m voting for her. How “on board” that comes across to you is irrelevant to me.

And you don’t have to hold a grudge either.

God, shut the fuck up. We are still allowed to tell the world that Hillary makes us hold our noses at the ballot box, because you have to be insane to be “whole hog” for Hillary. She is terrible, it’s just that the other guy is worse.

But people can have an opinion??? Like Hillary can be their second choice??? And people don’t have to express themselves how you want???