Baka Yori Danjo

I struggle with depression, and there have literally been multiple points over the past 10 years where one part of my brain was saying it might be time to “go” and another part responded, “Not until you play Versus XIII.” I’m fact, one of my lowest points was probably when it was announced that Tabatha had changed so

I’m going to go with the UC OVAs and (a director’s cut of) the first season of 00.

I dunno, I wouldn’t call this bold, exactly. It’s almost predictable. What’s the next most popular pantheon of gods after Greece/Rome’s? I’d say a toss-up between this and Egypt’s. A really bold move would have been heading farther south in Africa, or to Mexico or South America. Both the Nigerians and the Aztecs had

Yeah. I dunno what I was looking at, but it wasn’t the “Wild West with Aliens” that makes a PREY game a PREY game. The first was a Native American guy trying to stave off an alien invasions (hm) and the second was supposed to be a bounty hunter finding marks IN SPACE (hmmmm). I’m not sure what Groundhog Day and

Aaaand we’re back to the Wonderswan days~

White Chicks was good. I don’t know where this idea that White Chicks was a horrible movie came from. People seriously didn’t bust out every time Terry Crews was on screen? (Including The Painting.)

Unless you’re taking drugs (like he undoubtedly was, both PEDs and recreational) and/or black (it’s been proven that the simple stress of being black in America contributes to heart problems and lower life expectancy), you should be cool.

Apparently Shadow of the Colossus was in development for a while, and while it seems like it would be a terrible idea at first, it could work if they really nailed down what was compelling about the game. That is to say, if it was largely built around establishing an ethereal atmosphere, stunningly-epic on-location

Spirits Within has the dubious distinction of the number one movie that would have worked better as a video game. It seems like Sakaguchi had written it almost like one, with the talk of barrier cities you never get to see and macguffins the main characters had to find. It would have been cool to have a globe-hopping

Would you say that it would be apt, considering the genre, for us to want them to FINISH IT.

I’ve got some bad news for you...

It’s possible, but that’s not what’s happening. The mainstream gay rights movement has the same problems as the mainstream feminist movement: too much of a focus on the issues of middle class white people, while everyone else is only brought up to make a point along the lines of, “Hey, you don’t treat THEM that way,

Blacks are visible minorities, while (white) gays people are not. You might not like the idea of it, and it might cause immeasurable amounts of pain and anxiety, but someone who is gay can hide that there is a social need for it. Black people can’t do that. That doesn’t even get into the very different historical

There’s no mention of Nomura at all, huh? That man is getting shafted hard, first by his own company, and now by a breathless, credulous media. I feel bad for him, especially as Tabata’s historical revisionism makes its way unquestioned into the public record. Does anyone really think that the guy who oversaw the

Kek. Friend, I’m perfectly fine. You’re the one who picked up a dead conversation literally months after it had died, proclaimed a post later that you were done replying, and then replied again anyway. Forget your racism, your compromised thought process, your tendency towards projection. You dont even have the self

This is the third or fourth time you’ve accused me of not knowing what a term means, following up with your own misunderstanding of the term. Is this a case of projection? (Probably.) Anyway, nah. This RATIONALE isn’t based on blanket application of a pattern to an unrelated case; it’s the use of a pattern to bolster

I see you’re no less racist, 3 months in. A shame. Your entire argument rests on an inversion of a rational application of pattern recognition. You hold that DESPITE a pattern of discrimination, we must judge this individual case based on... Nothing, I guess? As far as your posts go, the only support you can offer is

Recognized that thumbnail immediately. I have it set as my morning alarm.

Scalia did what many lawyers do, which is come to a conclusion and then construct an airtight argument for it within known parameters, but that ignores broader truths or circumstances. Most famously, his opinion that a man who was known to be innocent but who had been condemned to death should be executed in order to

Well, there’s an argument to be made that the obligatory qualifications don’t necessarily give us the best candidates for the job, seeing as that process gave us Thomas, Alito, and Scalia. Obama meets the baseline reqs: he’s a constitutional scholar, for a job that requires a thorough knowledge of the Constitution.