
Is there any evidence that women applied for those high positions and they were equal/better than make candidates?

What i’m sure about is that when Nintendo has success - they become arrogant, e.g. with 5.0.0 you can break your console using 3rd party devices. Hod do you like it? more hype more limits we will see

so instead of working as much as men, so becoming equal in amount of work done, they start damaging property....gosh

actually it has’s how market works with almost any product which isn’t influenced by endless speculation like real estate.

His words are hateful only because YOU hate them, it’s just another example of “you_don’t_like_speech” made into an attempt to sink someones career.

It’s so disgusting to see how the worst things are born in people due to that feeling of “power” which they get through socially demonizing someone.

I personally believe that Nintendo developed all these games without any consideration of timelines and etc. They just did it..and only after many years tried to stich it all together.

Digital Nintendo is always on par or EVEN more expensive than physical which renders all digital advantages. Typical Nin.

It’s just another example of a case - never touch anything from Nintendo - you gonna have some bad times.

it’s a shame how they turn all wii u gamepad functions off.

I’m sure the only copies given - were switch ones. And Wii U version was downloaded from nintendo servers it has nothing to do with reviewers

Switch would be less prone to hacking as it doesn’t have a browser.

should i remind how ladies look like in all femenist games? worse

Platinum is a game-developer for hire. They would like to do even sequel to E.T. if anybody payed enough.

It’s not bad..but it’s just what they are.

i played fair and square... but Niantic does everything to stop me, now even refresh scan in game is so long that it’s impossible to play while riding a bike. WTF?? I like bike rides, that’s the only way i get around in my town...

“what can i do while my child has cancer? PLAY GAMEZZZZ!”

offended only those who wants to be offended.

I suppose being white if PokeGO tells me there is a rare pokemon in ghetto.. i can safely go there? Really?

It’s called ghetto for a reason.

It seems i have found that Tesla’s blind spot.
This >> “The man was reportedly watching a Harry Potter movie when it happened”

oh FunnyJunk colours! Nice!!

because it’s Nintendo and they screw the audience up untill the very end. They never stop doing it on a half way