Yes, republican voters, no worries, the red wave is here. Stay home on election day.
Yes, republican voters, no worries, the red wave is here. Stay home on election day.
She’s going straight to video.
It doesn’t matter what AC says, the far right is just going to continue saying that he is lying. That all people who aren’t far right are lying, and that we are all cucks, one way or another.
“He is a new guy here, too. He is working through it. He is learning about how we go about it.”
As a developer... the concern is install base. You can only sell as many copies of a game as there are people to sell it to. While the Switch is exploding in popularity, it in no way, shape or form has the same install base yet as the 3DS. So smaller publishers have to consider that when they’re putting out new games.…
Michelle - I don’t have kids but I catch your articles occasionally and I just wanted to say - especially with this piece - you’re doing a real service to parents everywhere.
It’s great news that the cops kept their composure and didn’t commit any “shooting fouls”
Why are they so quick to defend owners over players? Doesn’t seem that complicated to me, it’s really a black-and-white situation.
For what it’s worth, I do generally think that players’ skills benefit from more seasoning before they come to the NBA.
To be a fraud, you had to have come into the tournament with even a sliver of expectations. Since Japan didn’t have that, they are good.
No snark intended here, but that sounds a little like how Jerry Jones handled the signing of Greg Hardy.
Seriously. They are the Bizarro Warriors. Zero joy. And it’s shitty to watch. Chris Paul always looks like he’s just about to take his ball and go home. And if you don’t live in Houston and somehow enjoy watching James Harden plow into the lane and throw the ball over the basket with an aggrieved expression on his…
I gotta admit, hating the Warriors makes a lot of sense but Draymond can dick kick my grandfather off a cliff and I’d still rather watch the Warriors than the fucking Rockets.
How To Get Kicked in the Testicles
-By Rajon Rondo
This reminds me of when I was fired from my job as head pitmaster because I wanted to form the Barbecunion.
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.
Maybe if, as a teacher, you shot them, it would help.