
Jerry Jones issued a statement that as long as the suspension was for drugs, and not for almost killing a woman with your bare hands, he has no problem with the league’s decision.

People have to understand the dealers don’t care about selling Tesla. What they care about is their existing franchise. In their minds their great grand pappy gave an auto maker a lot of money back in Nineteen-Dicky-Do for a franchise. The automaker used that money to initially fund the company. It was a risky deal,

He HAS put the criminal elites on notice. He’s appointed them to his Cabinet and told them to get ready to go nuts.

Sherman knows all about karma screwing up a season:

The first Jedi formed the Order after getting sicked of being friendzoned constantly.

We should all just play soccer. There is never any violence associated with that sport around the world. Very tame fans.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

He’s a professional soccer player. He dribbled past a few guys. Then he kicked the ball.

They enjoy being assholes. It’s that simple. There is no other explanation for this non-story.

Never a bad time to remember Cardale Jones’ tweets

As a former Rams fan, I can’t tell you how liberating it is to be able to enjoy football again. Agelinos, you had a good thing going without being encumbered by this shit franchise.

I disagree. Of course most will be fitted from the factory with fast charging, but I don’t think the car is rendered pointless without it. 230 miles would allow me to take the family to visit my parents, about 80 miles each way and not have to worry about range like I do now with my current i3. We’ll come home with

My wife was a vegetarian, until pregnancy met Five Guys.

I would but I don’t usually have an hour to wait for someone to bother moving the chicken from the rack to a tray and hand it to me.

but I’m not going to jump down someone’s throat for using words like that in casual conversation.

So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?

I think we’re acknowledging the facts:

Seriously. It’s interesting - I grew up in the Midwest, and geese there are considered pretty, and respected because of their rare tendency to mate for life with the same pairs.