It really is. I have all three major systems and the Switch is definitely worthy this generation. Definitely couldn’t say the same thing about the Wii U. Still have mine but a poor system through and through.
It really is. I have all three major systems and the Switch is definitely worthy this generation. Definitely couldn’t say the same thing about the Wii U. Still have mine but a poor system through and through.
Yeah it’s still a big problem. I was lucky enough to get a neon one back in May. Great system! Really solidly built, easy to use and plenty of good games available. Too bad stock sucks.
Let’s hope so! I’m still trying to preorder one, but no luck so far.
It’s too bad everyone has to go through this hoping game; hoping they’ll be able to snag a system for the holidays.
I’m so glad I already have a Switch and only have to purchase games. I’m sure tracking down this bundle will be pure evil. Going to be a rough holiday season for those looking for a Switch. I really feel bad. But that’ll be me looking for an SNES Classic. I doubt I’ll ever find one....
Funny, my ps2 is just sitting there waiting. But the prices are too high for used copies; I’ll have to save money in the kitty I guess. It’s just not top priority, but man I’d love to get a copy. They have new copies on Amazon for 200 bucks....used around 80. Ebay is the same.
Blood will tell! I loved that game! We are part of the rare breed who actually played that game. Thanks for mentioning it. Going to check how much it’s going for on ebay. My copy was lost in a move. So upset....but yeah that game was fantastic. A hidden gem.
Haha, I remember that IGN fiasco. I love when people bring up old stuff like that....
My other comment seems to be missing....
I’m pretty sure Rescue Rangers is available from Capcom in a “four pack” of Disney games on Ps4/Xbox One. If, you own those systems. But I think the whole bundle is 20 bucks. Oh it might be on PS3 as well.
I just wish Nintendo would hurry up and put the VC on the Switch. Patiently waiting...
I can certainly agree with that.
He clearly doesn’t understand not everyone is like him.
80 bucks is far from obsene. It’s only 20 bucks more expensive than your typical retail game. For people like me who value and collect original, official products it’s a fair price. Some people approach their gaming hobby differently. Pretty simple.
Knack 2 and the new Uncharted for me, with some Forza Horizon 3 in between. I have to finish one of these games though, because I have a huge backlog. Time to focus!
The game is a fantastic deal for 40 bucks, not to mention just super fun to play. It’s one of those “just one more” types of game. Playing it right now, actually. Definitely recommended!
I can’t wait for Knack 2! The first one was such a solid game; it was refreshing to play a simple platformer again. A genre that’s definitely been ignored for a long time. This game will definitely fill my platforming needs. Maybe another play through of the first game is in order.
Yeah Gamer Cat was the most coherent and well written comic. They do the same thing Penny Arcade does; tries to relate to the largest audience. Unlike those that only try to get a chuckle out of your random neckbeard. Some get it, some don’t...
I’ve been on Kotaku everyday for about 10 years. Where have you been? Why are you even here? What kind of bizarre question is that? “I don’t like shitty comics, therefore why am I here?” What?