It's basically the Japanese equivelant of white trash.
It's basically the Japanese equivelant of white trash.
A little too yanki-poi for my tastes, but the gray jacket is okay. Not a 150 bucks okay though...
Bah! It's ok! Blame the internets!
There are even more games on PSN that are on sale than those listed. Playstation Blog has the list. Sorry I can't link now! But lot's of Tom Clancy games, and other odds and ends.
And there are many others out there that think just like him. It's baffling to me.
Lol classic scene. Show is fantastic.
Oh I feel better now. Thanks. Haha, fucking demon creatures spawning outside my door...
Haha! That's awesome. I just read your post. It really is demonic!
Japan has a lot of feral cats. Hell, just near my apartment alone we have about 8 stray/feral cats. And they aren't like house cats. Cute, friendly and fluffy if they live inside, possesed little demons if outside.
It's...a...joke. There is no need to reply...
Me too. I definitely prefer physical, but I will buy digital only if a game is dirt cheap on psn or in cases like Black Panther. Under 10 bucks is usually my sweet spot. Just picked us Playstation All Stars for 10, and Red Dead Redemption for 7.50. But yeah, physical 80% of the time.
Ugh, I forgot about the remake. Guess I'll be picking that up as well!
The days of Japanese gamers shunning Western games has past. Especially among the younger gamers. Which, is a good thing.
((Psst. Hey. Your ethnocentric-douchebag-underwear is showing...))
So basically a link that will allow me to read 1 article a day.
Logic is non-existent here in Japan. I mean, really.
Just one person's opinion, but I suggest staying away from Max Payne 3. Even for 5 bucks it's not worth it.
Too bad it's download only! I really want to pick up Donkey Kong.