
I wasn’t sure they would win as i recall that they did feature a significant amount of the original video in their commentary. Enough that I personally felt no need to ever watch the original. Not that the original was my cup of tea, but sometimes it’s nice to watch to see how accurate the criticism is.

That’s a really interesting take on today’s eclipse. I like it.

Not meant to be offensive, but I just don’t understand the logic. Assuming the content of ME:A and this hypothetical DLC was unchanged, what’s the actual difference that the DLC release date makes?

A Disney game about Goliath - how is this not a Gargoyles game? Also, where’s my Gargoyles game?

I saw that game on the schedule and was confused as I always thought TMNT 3 was The Manhattan Project. Now it makes sense, that was a GB game. Might have to check out the run.

Pretty sure these people help make Twitch money if that matters you feel better.

It’s less information. The posters had a date on them.

Good job stomach! Happy to see you writing here Chris. Will definitely try out this recipe.

If your concept artist has finished work on the base game, they need to just sit in a corner and continue to earn a paycheck until the game comes out and then they are allowed to start work on the DLC. Same with level designers, etc.

Its been confirmed to Jason. He wrote about it a while ago. It has not been publicly confirmed.

Given the deal Destiny has with Playstation, I would at most expect cross buy between PC and PS. But im not personally expecting any cross play.

What a poorly written article. It isn’t up to Sony to police for asset stealing. Heck, they no doubt have the publishers agree that they have to rights to what they plan to publish when submitting games to them.. Imagine if all the publishers had to submit some sort of validation for all of the art, music, etc in

Thank you for exposing me to the term ‘puffery’. Never heard it before.

I feel like that alteration (shortening) of the quote changes the statement substantially and I very much wonder about the legality.

I always treated it kind of like the battle system in Mario & Luigi and tired to press the B button in time with the pokeball movement.

Nintendo never wholly owned Rare actually. At most, they owned 49%. it should be quite possible for for Nintendo to sell off Monolith without including the IP.

I believe Pokemon is more of a second party than Xenoblade. Fairly certain that The Pokemon Company holds the IP and I think Nintendo might only own 1/3 of them.

best part is when he just can’t get rid of the bomb.
Special mention to terrible, but terrific shark punching too.

Batman 66 is just great!

I believe it’s been right 9 of the last 12 years tho. So not too bad.

Perhaps more importantly, Monolith, is owned by Nintendo.

The Division Beta obviously.