the actual bajmahal

Not surprised at all that CNN didn’t take her off the desk for the rest of the day just because her brain stopped working for a bit. Otherwise they’d have to fire Don Lemon.

This is my only hope if becomes president. That he’ll be so busy with indignant responses to the inevitable op-eds in Burkina Faso newspapers (“US President and bowl of overcooked fufuo Donald Trump...”) and critical statements by the Uruguayan government (“recent statements by the US President, a dangerously

Things that are not useful for a President:

Historically accurate Jesus would TERRIFY the base.

They will learn, the country is finally getting the full Trump effect. We’ve had it here for decades in NYC. Everyone will soon learn the hard way this guy is full of shit and just a con man, and above all else, a fucking clown. He’s not even a good businessman, he got rich because his dad’s rich. He’s defaulted on

They’ve always felt this way, and they’ve never hidden it (or had to hide it) where I live. I think the people that are all SO SURPRISED by this live in particular coastal cities. If they visited other places in the US, the wake up call would’ve come a long time ago.

The worst part is that for every day that goes by where a clear and plausible strategy is not established, it will be much tougher for the next Commander-in-Chief to do so.

Alternate theory: Trump has at no point in this process actually wanted to be president. The whole thing was a publicity stunt that got way, way, way out of hand. He said increasingly inflammatory things hoping that something would snap and he would start losing ground in the polls, but it didn’t happen. Even though

Now that his book is out, he really has no more reason to be out there.

ain’t NOTHING to admit to. GOP has wasted 4 different investigations and now this $4.3 million smoldering dung heap of not-prosecutorial malfeasance to prove it again.
GOP impeaches for blowjobs, tries 50+ times to overturn ACA, has now wasted 2+ years of time & money on this bullshit but did NOTHING, NOTHING to the

In all sincerity, I am pro-Sanders, but from day one I’ve acknowledged that I will likely end up having to vote for Hillary in the general. Yesterday made me feel SO much better about that fact.

Tomatoface. The trick is to google new usernames + tomato and find if they are a tomato seed varietal.

I was not aware that the rules of punctuation and grammar were so different in the UK.

Hillary did not have sex with Ben Ghazi, no.

She privately e-mailed the CIA Director’s AOL account to set up an arms trade with Iran to send weapons to Zombie Bin Laden to kill fetuses in Syria, which would’ve been able to defend themselves had Obama not taken away their guns.

I didn’t watch, did Hillary admit to doing Benghazi or what

That’s what my class discussions on racism and sexism (in the middle of conservatopia) have been missing—fucking guns.

“Sometimes I carry a gun, sometimes I carry a bible. Sometimes I carry a corndog and pass it to my handler when none of those fucking moron hayseeds has their back to the tilt-a-whirl. Sometimes I carry a deck of cards for impromptu magic tricks. David Blane, huge friend of mine. Sometimes I carry a raw piece of beef,

It’s like when people call themselves “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” like they’re some amazing political thinker, with beliefs so unconventional that they cannot be constrained by the two-party system. Uh actually there’s an entire party platform that is “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” and it’s