
In AZ, it’s more than 11 over where the police even start to pay attention. Same for Photo Radar. They’re all set to trigger past 11 over. So stay 8 over and you’ll never get in trouble. However if you’re traveling at the speed limit or 5 under, people will weave around you and you become a hazard to yourself and

Actually if you are blocking the left lane, even if driving the speed limit, then you are breaking the law. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Yeah, you are breaking the law. Saying that you aren’t won’t change the fact.

Actually, in many states you are breaking the law by driving in the left lane for a purpose other than passing. In many more you are breaking the law by not moving over for a faster vehicle coming up behind you, regardless as to whether you agree with their driving choices.

You do realize that if you just let them through, the situation would’t even register... Do you remember the last person to pass you on the left? Probably not... Do you remember the last person who got pissed and aggressive when you were a passive-aggressive a-hole about it? Probably and he probably does too.

Move to the right, and stop trying to justify your flaccid, passive-aggressive need to be the unofficial traffic cop who clogs up the left lane in a pathetic attempt to force others to abide by your interpretation of the rules of the road.

You started out fine, but then you went off the rails. It is true that you don’t have the right to speed.