I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!
I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!
i’m so tired.
I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.
I feel like you’re kind of missing the point. Even if they had taken the pills knowing exactly what they were wanting to get high, that doesn’t mean he can rape them. Friends get high with each other all the time without expecting sex and usually don’t rape each other.
Donald Jr. or Eric?
Today I received a text from my best friend, who had just received the latest print issue of Psychology Today. She…
Also, having a franchise with a female protagonist driving it is such a rare opportunity.
And here’s where she tells the truth:
voted yes on nearly everyone but Tillerson, but yeah guys, you keep up the good fight. did you finally find your spines, or did the republicans just let you hold onto them for a little bit?
I have absolutely no faith in these people to do anything except roll over or grandstand when it might make them look good. we…
Don’t buy a fucking word
Yeah, there was no way Trump was going to become President.
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.
I read many years ago VB doesn’t smile for photos because she hates her smile (which I find sad).
Fuck that paparazzi asshole.
Ok, that legit scares me as much as anything else she’s said. Public schools explicitly CANNOT be used for your God’s kingdom’s causes.
There once was a groper from Queens
The UN had ruled that she was being tortured. Her sentence was fucking excessive and it was slowly killing her. The fact you say it was not means you have not read any of the details or you do not care.
after Putins death