
Troy and Abed in the Mourning!

In a way, maybe we always did.

Thanks Obama!

"Deadpool works in turbo boner."

Critiquing a critic's article? You must be a Community fan because that is pretty meta.

In thirty years this will be his equivalent of my grandpa telling me the story about when John Wayne punched him.

I might be a silent minority but I would watch Community until every last remnant of it was dead. Until every vestige and safehold was overtaken by the barren desert. And until the reflection of its shadow's breeze is thrown to oblivion. I will watch Community. Bring in Seth Greene, bring in Justin Roiland, replace

You sound like a person that didn't like Community.

I hate momomnunuzdays.

I like you, Hipster Dick Cheney. This and your other comment have me sold. When can I vote for you?

"I can't believe we are working this hard just to get a B- on the Onion."

Wanna buy some deathsticks?