SBSettings (hands down the most used app)
SBSettings (hands down the most used app)
I once watched that movie twice in a weekend. Each time with a different group of friends who had never seen it before. The first time was pretty funny, the second was so onerous that I kept checking my watch to see when it ended. I don't think I'll ever watch it again.
The sun has been the same distance, but that doesn't mean that its fusion reactions output the same amount of heat all the time. In fact, in 2007, scientists noticed that Mars' carbon dioxide "ice caps" were melting, and had been for the past three years. And Mars doesn't have any humans to blame for its warmer…
I'm currently on the 200 MB plan. I had the unlimited data plan for a while, and then when I never went over 150 MB in 8 months, I switched down to my current one.
Are you referring at all to the lightbulbs in the other room test?
I have a jailbroken iphone, and that is a tweak you can do. I had Siri respond to 'Siri', and it was nice when I was driving. My battery life didn't seem to suffer that much either. The only problem was that while I would have a conversation with my wife, Siri would activate about 6 times in 10 min. It finally…
There is a jailbreak tweak that turns off all radios to your phone when you set your phone face down. And then turns them back on when you pick it up. Works great for meetings and sleep time.
I love using Siri to text and drive. Probably the number one reason I use it. And setting timers. And calling people not on my favorites list. And opening Soundhound when I'm driving.
I have a jailbroken iPhone 4s, and I used to use Siri to tweet. The only problem was that it would post the tweet whenever I paused or stopped to think. Plus the normal Siri misinterpretations. I eventually canned the whole idea.
Splashtop for iOS is actually on a huge sale as well. Dropped from $9.99 to $0.99. I am debating on purchasing it. I have logmein on my iphone 4S. Should I pay 99 cents more to get an app that allows me to watch Hulu, movies and listen to music as well? Logmein lets me watch movies, but has no sound.
I tried playing plants vs. Zombies, and I never got into it. I like a good tower defense game, and I like zombies, but the game itself never clicked for me.
We brined our turkey four years ago after watching a Food Network special. The Best Turkey I Have Ever Had in My Life. Hands down. But, we've been brining every year since then, and it's never been as juicy as that first one. We finally figured it out. The first turkey was a Butterball; all the others have been…
Oh, that's easy. Michael Chertoff was the former homeland security chief and co-author of the PATRIOT act. Now he's the primary promoter of full-body scanners, and is a paid consultant for the companies that sell them. So, influential ex-government official, peddling the merchandise to the department he used to…
Agreed. SBSettings and BiteSMS. The two best jailbreak apps. Oh, and Installous. I love the try before you buy feature, and have bought way more apps by using Installous then if I had just bypassed them because I didn't want to waste my money on a lame app.
I just tried it as well. and it just doesn't work right. I tried creating an Airplane mode, and it just turns it on; it doesn't toggle like SBSettings does. I'll hold out for SBSettings.
I so agree. I watched bits and pieces of the last Republican debate (the one with Perry's 'Oops!'), and Ron Paul had the best responses. Get government out of student loans, out of the housing market, out of healthcare, and the prices will stabilize themselves using healthy competition.
@Michal: Your comment was too short to reply to. Hope this gets to you.
Ever since I bought the Road Trip app, I have religiously kept my fuel log. Since Feb 12, 2011...
Good shot, REDD-1