
File my comment under: "Bwahahahahahahahahaha!"

I don't think Miller and Einstein were introduced to be replacements at all. Clearly they were meant as doppelgangers for Mulder and Scully. They were the living joke to Scully's senior thesis on Einstein's Twin Paradox.

My 15 year old nephew "L" is adopted, while his younger brother by 6 years "T" is not. "L" has always known he was adopted and how treasured he is. When "T" was finally told that "L", whom he adores, was adopted, he was astounded. His first question was "Who would throw "L" away?"

Yeah, I have to say the "let's get William back" prospect truly unnerves me. My 15 year old nephew is adopted and if his birth mother dared make contact or otherwise disrupt his happy life, there would be hell to pay.

But how does "Bad Blood" work at all if we know nothing about the characters themselves?

A nice throwback to the Vietnamese bar owner in "Good Morning, Vietnam" that openly pined for naked Walter Brennan photos.

Eh, not totally but then again, she was totally fine with Daniel only seeing the kids every two weeks and then later totally fine with him needing a court supervisor to see the kids. She knew that was wrong.

Oh, I understand the point. And I disagree with your conclusion. I just wanted to know what your baseline standard was. And since you won't share, I'll just file you away as "Jabba the Hut." Good day to you back in mom's basement!

No, you have specifically implied that as someone a decade younger you're in a good position to judge. I'd like to verify that for myself.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your photo posted so I can see for myself.

I recall there being a doctor with a small speaking part in "This is Not Happening" (season 8) that was South Asian.

Seeing the little red speedo again was seriously the most unanticipated gift of 2016.

It was a pretty accidental peep on his part—although significantly, he was peering through a Fox head.

Enjoy the ride! It's a brilliant show.

"The Hateful Eight" — some excellent vomiting going on there.

Sure, but I also can't make the unsupportable argument that he was able to carry the show after Duchovny left, either, which was the point of the discussion.

Okay, that was super clever.

I liked him as an actor but the fact remains he couldn't carry that particular show. Unless gloriously riding it to cancellation is considered "successful."

7 seasons of Californication including a Golden Globe win is a pretty decent track record. His latest show Aquarius is heading for S2. I don't love Aquarius, but after the first episode, it got consistently better and I'm interested to see where it goes.

Well, no, famously it did not.