
How’s it feel to be the Cleveland Browns of politics?

Why do you want to copy Western Europe’s Socialism? Modern Western Europe objectively blows. They’re a bunch of racist assholes and corrupt bureaucrats. America is flawed, sure, but we don’t need to copy a bunch of money grabbing, power-hungry idiots just to match a perceived ideal across the ocean (which doesn’t

Bernie was nothing but the left-wing Trump: a cult of personality who espoused big plans with no idea or strategy on how to make them happen, with a rabid, gullible fanbase who didn’t care anyway.

He would have been losing until the present meltdown.

Socialism: Potentially appealing to half the country if the only other option is racist, sexist, and quasi-fascist. Catch the fever!

In order to be a socialist, you first have to be an absolute loser. America isn’t made of of losers like you, sorry.

Ugh. Bernie Sanders is a con man. He is Donald Trump writ small.

Or a bunch of hipsters who don’t know anything about politics got excited about the idea of “free education”. Bernie never had a real chance of winning in the primaries.

Posts like this is why Deadspin will continue to be the Stranger Things of journalism.

I’ll never get this.

STFU, Hamilton.