Is this like a buzzfeed parody or something?
Is this like a buzzfeed parody or something?
“Get down on all fours!”
This is the best thing that has ever happened.
What were you expecting Destiny “2" to look like, Jason?
So basically this allows white males the opportunity to kill woman in a multiplayer setting? This advocates violence towards woman and I am wholeheartedly against it.
I’m okay with people exercising their right to free speech, and Anita was certainly within her right to express her opinions on video games. However, I would LOVE to know how she actually spent that $160,000 for what appears to have been a shoe-string budgeted series. I imagine the Sarkeesian crew had themselves a lot…
You didn’t answer the question.
I didn’t forget. I just don’t care.
What’s the point of eating food if we’re all just going to die someday?
Can’t people like you just ever be happy with anything?
My philosophy on children: They’re never not worth it, but boy do they sure try their hardest to be.
I’ve been reading a lot of your comments. It seems like you spend a lot of time being angry and offended on behalf of other people, most of whom probably don’t even like you because they don’t appreciate other people fighting their battles when you have nothing to do with their personal struggles. Must be exhausting.…
Patricia, what is your opinion on the current state of the mainstream media? I know we all want to believe that news outlets and journalists are untouchable beacons of truth who have no agenda other than presenting unbiased facts, but it seems hard facts are no longer a priority if these facts do not fit within…
This is why you are my second favorite editor, Jason, because instead of going after click bait stories like the pewdiepie “scandal”, you’re actually doing real investigative journalism and instigating some actual positive change in the world. Well done!
I’m thinking The Last Airbender, only much...much worse.
I appreciate your response, and I apologize for my abrasiveness in my previous comment. I was having one of “those” days.
No, you don’t actually sound like a Nazi, but now try to imagine how this comment made you feel. Annoyed and insulted, right? Its probably the same way your (former) family and friends feel when they are disowned, disparaged, and accused by more than half the country of being “basically nazis” for voting for the…
You sound like a Nazi. Can I punch you in the face?
*Sigh...* I know I should have known better, and I can’t blame you for not putting up any spoiler warnings considering how long the game has been out. Even so, now that I know that both Ellie and Joel survive, it just made my play through a lot less intense.