
Buy your new niece/nephew some adorable stuffed giant microbe plushies, so your dumb sister will know what the microbes that killed her child look like!

As someone who has read her book it’s more like years of indoctrination and damaging emotional abuse that started when she was a teen. So try again.

Very skeptical that as many as 25% of bus company employees are “in it” for the simple joy of transporting children to school.

No, society didn’t fail her. The management and ownership of Dunham Bus failed her. Having nearly two decades of putting-kids-on-busses experience behind me (including several years of dealing with Dunham), I’ve come to the conclusion that 75% of bus company employees, from drivers to dispatchers, are truly on in it

Well, I called for a mental health wellness check when my neighbor started doing things like screaming Bon Jovi lyrics in the street in the middle of the night and chopping up his front porch with an ax. Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience.

I think many famous people are undiagnosed or unmedicated/self medicating with alcohol and drugs.

I read that too quickly and thought you were wishing people deep dish. Which I wouldn’t mind.

With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

As far as I’m concerned, the Zionist Organization of America are nothing but kapos.

The person who has kind of shocked me is Seth, I guess I just sort of pigeon holed him but damn dude was just on fire the past few months.

Way harsh, Tai.

Who cares. Please take it to Groupthink.