Edmund Gayton

God, I wish that the first time you spoke with the uniform shophand they were specific in telling you that you can’t wear these uniforms during challenges, only outside of Gym challenges. Would have saved me an entire day of rolling my eyes and complaining.

does this extend to the people they hired on as contractors as well? because big companies already try to get around labor and tax laws that way. id hate to see someone who plays a role there lose out by a technicality. also what about those who left due to discrimination? does this only apply to women who still work

So many “Why didn’t they leave sooner if they didn’t like it” comments, and they forget the victims also get told “Oh, you didn’t stick it out, so you don’t deserve anything”

That’s a shame.

We are super pleased that we where caught with our pants down doing stupid shit and we where forced to pay for it. Hopefully paying for all of this to go away will show everyone that we are not the thing we are paying for.

No. No. No, aaannndd... NO.

Gotta fire at least some of those douchebags who were named, Riot. That’s the only way you can truly get over and prove you’re serious.

Exactly. Fucking sucks all around. 


Well no they made a settlement, which is closer to.

Exactly.  I’ve been working in corporate America for 35 years.  I’ve seen and heard it all - relatively.  Nothing ever changes.  Only the face they put forward..

It’s around .1 percent of their usual yearly revenue. So it’s most definitely a “little blanket” 

Man I want to be happy for the women affected by this but at the same time Riot isn’t going to change.

It’s a quick little blanket.

I will believe it’s an act of good faith when they actually fire the dudebros responsible for the behavior.

Holy shit, that’s like $5 million per female employee!

Grats ladies for winning...*does quick maths*...a fraction of the money a team would make for winning world champion.

This is a great step forward but until they fire a few higher ups it’s still a lot of talk..

Would we be here at all without that first big piece Cecilia did on Riot? Idk. All I know is that Twitch article made my Monday worse and this piece made it better!

I am so grateful for your article and the change it has helped inspire! Also, totally weird to see some in the industry still not “get it” when it comes to this overall topic/issue, so glad to know that you/Kotaku will be continuing the conversation. 🙏