I think we found the source for Sex Panther.
I think we found the source for Sex Panther.
Oof...I hope you’ve either left him or got him to see that he was being an ass.
And maybe get your mom a pet to keep her distracted :/
Sorry to hear about the mindfuckery your mom put you through :/
That’s a wholly sickening amount of sexualization she brainwashed you with. I mean, there are people like L3's roommate who seems willing to use any person they can to satisfy themselves, it still doesn’t justify driving that kind of mindset into an…
Well, fundamentally, she’s not wrong for other reasons too. Moreso the fact that on the way through education into the work force, the sampling of people you associate with generally diminish until generally you only see close friends and coworkers on any regular basis.
Oh, I know all that. It’s more that I found parental dating advice absurd. More especially Chinese dating advice as it generally leans towards cold, dispassionate efficiency rather than finding someone who fits you.
Yeah, it gets even weirder when they start mentioning pureblood Chinese grandkids...
What’s the dumbest advice people have heard from their parents?
My dad avoids the subject and my mom told me that I had to be top of my classes to get the girls (I’m Chinese, hurr hurr). Honestly, they did not paint a great romantic picture. Literally, my mom said they dated because they were both top 2 in their class…
If you do the “catch 10 pokemon” researches, those can give you magikarp encounters too
Well, I can’t speak for any other cultures, but I can speak on Chinese problem parents and similar Asian family values since I’m Chinese.
Also to address your confusion on him being condescending:
In a closed environment, sure it’s reasonable. But then how much time do you spend grocery shopping, doing chores, on social obligations, commuting, etc?
Dunno about you, but mobile games are the only things I can regularly assign time to play. Playing something like Starcraft 2 or League once a week for a couple hours…
Depending on the game, 2hrs is barely a warm up.
Exercising is also subjective to each person since the size of the workout depends on their shape and goals.
I find getting decent sleep and eating “properly” to be the biggest time sinks in that list.
Limiting game time is also misleading as “responsible adults” by…
You sound somewhat defensive.
Do you get decent sleep and what kind of eating habits?
The OP’s tone is condescending at best and I’m not judging anyone else’s gaming practices.
Sounds like you don’t have a regularly scheduled job. Also, playing 5-10 hours at a time isn’t Step 3: Limit your gaming time like a responsible adult.
You say that, but I’m personally not surprised if I hear another Asian cracking under the pressure of the traditional bullshit we get forced to deal with. Not all Asian parents are just “overbearing”
So following your steps, how many hours per week do you actually play games?
And yet Minecraft took a reaaaally long time in alpha.
People are fickle, you can’t predict what they’ll be interested in week to week. Most of my friends quit as soon as they caught the first gen because that was their only goal.
It’s also good that the hype train let passengers off. Having too much popularity could…
eh, not in a lot of places still
Heh, you’re welcome?
Tenet’s not really used that often, so I figured I’d let the guy know