
I don’t think I’ve got enough hair on my chest to pull that off. It’d probably look like i dumped a bag of doritos on it

You might be onto something....
So the Blanka underwear would be a green tube top with orange faux hair in the middle and trunks?

Now playing

And here, you can see both versions of him and “that guy”!

To build on the article and what you’re saying, wouldn’t it make sense that the Red Skull was transported to the Skrull homeworld, where they’ve been torturing and interrogating him up until an expeditionary invasion in the 90s?

But that was before he came back from the dead. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to change the story somehow for that. Also, the show and the book are supposed to have diverging canon.

Head Canon: Jon and Daenarys meet next week. Jon sounds insolent, Daenarys gets really pissed off and tries to burn Jon. Jon is unscathed. BOOM, end scene.

Yeah, but if you noticed the update notes, the berries are less effective if you remotely feed them. And I’m assuming the same 10 berry cap is in place for remote feeding. Not sure what the reset is on refeeding, but I imagine you can’t just sit there all day and feed berries to your mon well enough to stop someone

That would actually make doing gyms practically pointless. They might as well just give everyone coins all the time. Plus 3000+cp mon lose motivation at 10x speed

Alright, before someone starts off the dumpster fire that is The Question:
A: “Omg, people still play this game????”
Everyone else: “Of course we do. STFU.”

That’s a really long essay to tear apart...

Sighhh....yeah, they need to just no. They might as well just cobble a montage of explosions and scenes from all the Michael Bay movies with robots so far.

You’ll probably get Krillin as a freebie when you buy Android 18. I don’t see how they’d justify people paying for him otherwise...

You need a reread. She had gotten the part. It’s akin to updating your LinkedIn once you’ve been told you got the job.
Btw, not reading things properly seems to also be attributed to millenials, so...par for the course?

Be sure to feed it 12.5* siblings’ worth of pikachus

It’s the first trailer...

The daily max is now 50/day.
They quietly updated their support page.

Scratch your partner. Good places for scratching include the back, the butt, and the neck.