
How do you expect them to find a black person in Chicago? Lean out a window?

I don’t remember who it was, but someone on this board used “Coppertone Caligula” more than once.

Sounds like something a Trekkist would say.

O.5m(v squared).

That’s entirely fair.

I should think Wonder Woman would get a pass from that line of reasoning because it was a prequel to the previous film she appeared in.

Thanks, that last point really helps my expectations, as I am at the breaking point with the crossovers and team-ups.

Not reading the review until after I see the movie, but is it legitimately unformulaic, or is the headline an exaggeration?

It gets direct deposited into the secret marijuana cash bank in every American city. They mailed your account opening welcome letter separately from your PIN notice. Maybe you missed one or both because Congress has wisely been shutting down the Deep State for as many hours as they can lately?

Don’t worry: some day a billionaire will self-fund a campaign and enter office without being beholden to those Koch/Mercer/Adelson and Goldman Sachs types. They’ll save us... why, it could happen as soon as 2016!

My friend specifically created a Slack team for our friends to use for social events because one of them and I refuse to use Facebook.

You know, Michael Cera, star of Arrested Development (pictured below, at left)?

Hey, if Karma exists, it knows those children should have had the good sense to be born to better parents.

He outright machine-guns a bunch of vehicles in the film, several of which are firing machine-guns back at him. As Marasai said, he just doesn’t care if the people in and around those vehicles survive. They probably don’t.

They’re referring to Age of Ultron, at the beginning of which the Avengers quip like, a lot, while massacring scores of HYDRA goons, who don’t stand a chance against them. Unseen at the same facility are Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who do manage to critically (?) injure Hawkeye, putting an end to the merriment. The


It’s no worse than Owen Lars, but you’re right that that’s a name for a minor character, not one of the main heroes/villains.

Better that than the story of how an innocent pilot became a cynical scoundrel and criminal.

*Psst* That’s just what wookietim wants you to do. When the Big One hits, they’re heading over with their shotgun to take all your stuff, stampede your women, and rape your cattle.

Have you watched recent Trek? Dystopian AF.