
The average customer won't accept these deficiencies in their vehicles. Tesla is going to have to up their game if they want to appeal to mainstream customers.

Reminds me of this fun one:

I bet they gave him a stern torquing to.

Are we married to the same woman? ;-)

I agree. We are just so used to excessive styling on cars, that we don’t appreciate all the sublte changes that add up to “wow, this car probably moves.” This is really a wonderful performance flagship variant, and it will really pop in the real world.

Psht, it’s usually “Can we add another blanket, I’m cold.” In which case she does, and I instantly burst into ash.

I have worked as a regulatory engineer in both safety and emissions for the better part of a decade.

My favorite heat exchanger is my wife, who can somehow pile on three blankets and still absorb all my body heat by touching my leg with a single icy foot.

How many marketing meetings did they have considering giving it 666 hp?

The church of Teslasheep: Hail Elon.

What do I want from the Biden admin. How about less golf, less nepotism, less crazy tweets, less blatant lying, less “let’s try to be a mean and crule as possiable” and just some normal semi-efficient, boring governance.

“3rd Gear: NHTSA Pressures Tesla To Do Something For Once”

Have you seen either of these cars in person? They definitely stand out among BMWs and Audis and Mercedes. Then again, I’m in the Chicago area, so maybe I’m just tired of seeing them everywhere.

New car time. Let the complaining begin! 

I’m irrationally excited about these. Ever since I traded in my CTS V-Sport, I regretted it. It was a great car, and I just... ugh... I really screwed the pooch there.

Honestly I could see the Corvette going electric before a ton of their other stuff.

The turn stalk isn’t the real problem. Turn signals are an activate on auto turn off anyways. A button setup will work just fine.  The bigger issue is Elon now saying the car will assume whether you want to be in drive and reverse now. That’s crazy talk. Plus they have not added an AP button best I can tell and the

I think it was less of GM being with Trump and the slack emissions rules and more of GM being against different states having different emissions requirements.