
Hey, I reads Monique’s stuff! It’s fire!

I would endanger my family (and many other anonymous people’s families) for a night with Matthew Goode. 

Matthew Goode can Get. It.

As someone who paid to see Vampire Academy and Beautiful Creatures in the theater this is absolutely my kind of Trash, and also Matthew Goode does things to me and Lindsay Duncan is awesome. So, yes, this will be happening. Wearing a hooded sweatshirt, sunglasses, and telling no one - but it will be happening.

I’ve definitely been in the overthinking every single interaction with a crush situation before. But most recently I had an actual crush on someone for the first time in years and kept telling myself there was no way he liked me, it was all in my head, etc. and then it turned out I wasn’t over reading into things and

Lol I like aarón sánchez too. He seems like a genuine nice guy.

One HUNDRED on my husband! We got married last weekend and he is keeping it right and tight and hilarious for 18 years strong with me.

Celebrity crush is chef Aaron Sanchez. Smoking hot. Ordinary crush is The Bartender, with whom I’ve been crushing summer. #foodboozesunsex

Liam Neeson is a god among men, and I would bang him every day and twice on Sundays if I could. Because I’m a giver.

People seem to forget that Oregon was originally conceived as a white supremacy strong hold.

To quote Michelle Wolf, “Mr. Trump, you’re now America’s butler.”

It’s more biting that way, lol.

And also, those fuckers work FOR US. We are their boss. We don’t have the opportunity every day, but we have the power to fire all of them.

Actually if anything, that intern and you an I are the president’s AND the congressmember’s boss because we’re his goddamn board of directors and he’s supposed to be working for us. Personally I’m looking forward to firing his ass.

I appreciate the dissonance of politely calling him ‘Mr. President’ before lobbing a glorious f-bomb at him.

If anything Congress is the President’s boss.

Now playing

That intern has bigger balls than all the Dems on Capitol Hill put together!

Fucking awesome, good for her. Just want to note that Donald Trump is not her boss or her boss’s boss, etc... Congress is supposed to be coequal with the Presidency, even if they mostly seem interested in refusing to take responsibility for anything and then posturing when things go wrong (e.g., the constant stream of

Jeffy’s gonna walk by a large tree one of these days, and Snap, Crackle and Pop are gonna fuck him up.

Junot loves pushing the boundaries. When he left Syracuse, after sleeping with students and all manner of sexual and professional misconduct, he got hired at a place where he interacted with mostly undergraduate men who were not a professional threat to him. Of course he’s ‘behaved’ at MIT. It’s when he’s on the road,