Weird hill to die on. Bobcats can be up to 40 pounds, it was rabid, it attacked her and she was scared so, she choked it in self-defense. The only weird and crazy thing here is your insistence that it’s some sort of scam.
Weird hill to die on. Bobcats can be up to 40 pounds, it was rabid, it attacked her and she was scared so, she choked it in self-defense. The only weird and crazy thing here is your insistence that it’s some sort of scam.
This is a weird thread. Why do you think Sardonicuss is doing this? We all agree recreational murder of bobcats is bad, but this doesn’t seem to be what happened. Think it’s just that they pulled themselves up on a big self-righteous hill made of starving baby bobcats and don’t know how to climb back down?
Hey there! I thought so, too—then I reached out to her manager and was informed she uses she/her pronouns, presently.
Bobcats won’t attack people unless they’re rabid or defending a den. Since this woman wasn’t rooting around corning the thing and it’s babies, it’s safe to say it’s rabid. And hey, turned out it really was! This cat was dead anyway.
I’m not super impressed by killing a rabid Bobcat, as you say they’re small, but…
It sounds like both of you are playing games kind of communication wise, which doesn’t bode well.
I know this isn’t the point of your (very touching) story, but you were the cutest little kid and your fro was something to behold.
but I think movements are generally dangerous in a democracy.
I don’t care what anyone says, I love Hillary.
Have you sent Rich this article?
I think people vastly overestimate the intelligence of people in the entertainment industry. And often with disastrous results.
I kid, I joke!
Yes, and a lot of those white boys flipped out when they saw that their beloved book would be sullied by the touch of a Black, female director and starred a little Black girl.
Yah and then they shat all over it. White boys like Star Wars too but not with female leads or POC.
You are aware these are 5 STAR FUCKING RESORTS RIGHT. Not a fucking motel 8 on the side of your dads dick.
I laughed. It’s now “classist” to answer “no” to the question “can I stay at your $1000/night hotel for free for 7 days, because I have a Facebook?”
I’m a photographer. I understand this completely. People want me to do so much work for “exposure”. Exposure does not pay the bills.
Yes. How dare they not want to give people free week-long vacations. How classist of them. If they were truly of the people they would book every vacation at a loss to their business.
Wunch was pleased with the Southern Baptist Convention’s stance on the issue, given the convention’s history of being pro-slavery and its continued efforts toward racial reconciliation, including condemning white supremacy.