
I love them both and would watch a sitcom they did together. But please give them new characters instead of spinning off or rebooting either show. I want new material, new plots, and new interactions. Plus, I can’t see a plausible way for the two existing characters to interact.

Yeah so fuck these morons and Team Dark Meat (not a euphemism).

1) The British Empire did not end until the later half of the 20th century, not the 19th. 2) It’s not possible to have a productive discussion with someone so ignorant of history and current events. 

Ugh. Berger. Ugh. That’s all I have to say.

wait - you can’t have “spoilers” on a 1000 year old show, can you?

Same. And Carrie’s personality is at it’s stankiest in this season. Why Samantha still talked to her after the blow job shaming and the face shaming at her book party, I’ll never know.

I did not give one shit about the remake of A Star Is Born until I found out Jason Isbell wrote music for it. Now I am conflicted. I want to hear the music, but I want to hear Isbell singing it.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

Julianne references a very real phenomenon and how it impacts mental illness, in this case, how women are socialized to put up a front to the point where they ignore even their loved ones. If a man has a career, spouse, children, and social life, he is not accused of wanting to “have it all”. When he is depressed,

I agree with you to a certain extent. Yes, it’s a mental illness, and should be treated just like a physical condition. But I do think being a woman, living under a patriarchy that devalues women, contributes to depression and anxiety. I don’t think this discounts the fact that it’s a mental illness, but it’s not a

Thank you. Honestly, I’m still working through a lot of my shit, primarily my addiction. I appreciate the kind words, and I hope you’re okay too, as you sound like you have some experience in the depression department.

I used to date a feral peacock. Worst. boyfriend. EVAR.

Hmmm...this article is leaving out what I’m guessing is the real reason Sadler was let go. She was dumb enough to openly accuse her boss (Mercedes Schlapp) of being the White House leak during a meeting. There’s pretty much no way to survive a move like that.

I just viewed a SNL piece today: a Pete Davidson sketch. He admits to quitting drugs after 8 yrs. The other comedian asks “what do you do with your time now?” PD says he masturbates ALOT - because he has 8 years of drug addled sperm to get rid of. Supposed to be stupid-funny, but just stupid imo.

Any time someone mentions these family ties, I like to picture Nicole Richie and Cameron Diaz trading goss and getting boozy with each other in the kitchen at holiday functions.

I don’t have specific advice, but I suggest you look up the advice column, Ask A Manager by Alison Green. She is awesome with workplace issues. The commenters are great too. Her archives are easy to navigate and I promise she’ll have some old posts that will help you. Or - write her! Good luck! :)

Haha! Whatever you are imbibing, I want some too ;)

My 17 year-old son only got a facebook account at 15 to start his business because older folks use FB and have $$$. He will be the first to tell you kids use insta and snapchat and parents use FB, but he’s no dummy and gets free advertising and referrals from FB. He paid for his 1st car before he even got his license