
So delighted and proud to see the women of Ireland reclaim their personal autonomy.

It was fun while it lasted. I knew there would be too many white women that would find something to nitpick about Meghan and her wedding, and attempt to diminish her one way or another. I hope she is not naive and expected it, and she is enjoying her honeymoon.

You’ve basically described why I don’t go to anyone’s wedding and refrain from being involved in most ways: I don’t expect any of these people to give two shits when I get married. If you couldn’t make it out for my birthday five years in a row, I’m not making an effort to come to your wedding. And I shouldn’t even

I mean, agree to disagree. You put effort into things you feel are worthwhile. If you don’t feel your friendships are, I guess good on you, but like friendships don’t naturally maintain themselves. If someone is important to you, then you should make the effort and vice versa.

Yep. Really love being told that my problem is “you need to stop being unhappy about being single and just accept it”. Like, why don’t you just fuckin’ come right out and say that I don’t deserve anyone?

That kind of co-dependence is so fucking grating to witness. It legit makes me wince when I meet a new couple like that.

This is slightly off topic, but one thing that always bothers me about singlehood narratives (and I’m not necessarily talking about this one because I think the author does touch on this) is that when single people say they want a relationship the advice is always - “GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING SINGLE” no matter the

That’s fine, as long as you get that friendships are also relationships to be maintained, and if you don’t, they won’t be there later. It sucks to know you’re at the end of someone’s priority list, and frankly, that’s not a person I’m going to work very hard to spend time with when they turn around and decide they

I have a friend from college who always brought her husband whenever we planned to meet up. It was our group of three girlfriends, and the husband. She wouldn’t tell us, either. It was like they became a physical unit. He’s a nice enough guy but having him there changed the dynamic because we wanted him to feel

She’s your best friend, so she probably knows you’re in a serious relationship and ready to take it to the next level. It’s nice you are sensitive to your feelings, but leaving her in the dark might ultimately hurt her more.

This man blazed his step-granddaughter, so this shit doesn’t surprise me...

yeah, its ok to do shit separately. i am married but my husband and i work opposite schedules and we do not see each other much. i go about my life and i do shit i wanna do. if he’s there, great. if he’s not, great.

If you are coupled, don’t be a dick to your single friends. Try hard to make sure you still see them and hang out.

To add to that: don’t just assume your SO is always welcome. They’re friends with YOU.

Personally, it would make me feel worse to think my best friend thought I couldn’t handle her news than actually hearing the news. I am always happy for friends when they reach relationship milestones, even if there are times I wish I was in a relationship.

Yeah, the article says singles should make time for couples, but in my experience it’s the couples who tend to close ranks and only do things together or with other couples.

Here’s another hard truth about being the last single person in your group of friends: if you do ever get married, no one will ever give a shit because they all did their thing and everyone else’s thing and they’re mentally done with it by the time your wedding rolls around.

I’m... not actually surprised by this.

If you are coupled, don’t be a dick to your single friends. Try hard to make sure you still see them and hang out. That said, I remember when I was single and then became coupled or vice versa, I would realize the entire basis of a friendship could be that we were both single and literally had nothing else in common

I remember visiting Portland a few years ago, walking into a candy shop and coming face to face with the owners personal collection of Black Polliwog figurines. Then she mistook my visible shock for interest and started waxing nostalgic about them. I couldn’t get away fast enough.