
This all rings true to me. Of course, folks can be pro-black with a non-black partner, but it requires doing the work on those issues from both in the relationship. It’s the not doing the work part that gets people riled up. And I think that’s true on differences in class, religion, political philosophy, and a host of

Look at this fucking clown:

Im sure that this is going to be a measured, productive and nuanced discussion

I’m torn. I see her point, but it would be stronger if the three witches were white girls again, which they are not. That being said, I would much rather Holly Marie kept her white lady Charmed, and the rest of us could get a more badass version called Brujas. 

No place is wilder on a Sunday at 11am than a bottomless mimosa brunch spot.

Why was she anywhere near a hip hop brunch? Methinks some of these “brothers” are more than happy to entertain her, the way she is always sniffing around them...

I hope shaving cream pies. Pies are hard work (usually delicious) and should not be wasted on a soul-less stalk of hate-wheat like Coulter.

Combs, who played Piper Halliwell in the original, posted a screenshot of her full response on Twitter, writing that she appreciates “the jobs and opportunities the Charmed reboot has created,” adding “But I will never understand what is fierce, funny, or feminist in creating a show that basically says the original

In 7th grade I met the first teacher that would follow up my bullshit answers with a quick “how?” or “why?” or “please elaborate”.... it really changed the way I thought and taught me not to be a simple Betsy Devos when answering questions. This proves that she is further along than you think. She probably has a 6th

The way that this being covered elsewhere is so depressing.

Respect due to Tango The Dog who came across the baby, first. I hope you’re having a ball up in Heaven, Tango.

I don’t see how you can say that “Whiskey Caviler” is the worst name in a list containing “God Friended Me”. I almost skipped the preview because of that stupid “trying to be modern but really 8 years behind the trend” title. But the show actually looks good, so I’m going to watch it and try to ignore the title.

Just came here to say that Damon Wayans, Jr., IS the hot guy from Happy Endings, not DAVE. Come on, Clover!

“The Neighborhood” is basically a conservatives idea of reality, in which black people are racist against white people even though said white people are just the NICEST PEOPLE EVER.

“Your wig sho’ ugly.”

Catalina update!

I have to give the ArchDuke credit. He is so obviously in love with her and just wooooooorships her. He always looks like he just won the lottery.

Unless your skin is super light, you can guarantee that there are plenty of white people that will assign your race for you, even if they aren’t calling you black to your face. And I say this as the child of two mixed race parents who are labeled “black” by black AND white folks who can’t even fathom that dark skinned

Me, when attending a family reunion

Now playing

Zara Phillips is also a talented equestrian in the GB squad and is apparently a very good egg with a great sense of humour.