
Yeah, no.

She already did, Trump fucks himself all the time...

Sometimes I wonder if I’m accidentally typing in Wakandan, because I thought I was super clear. was kinda super-specific what Briskman is suing for. If they’d have simply fired her for something like conduct unbecoming her profession/job, she’d basically have no case. But that’s not what they fired her for.

West Coast opinion here. We don’t put as much weight into HCBU’s because we’re not exposed to them as much (I’m a little bit older so times have changed). My first true experience was flying to DC to hang with a cousin who went to Howard, then we drove down to Freaknik. Oh man.....I felt like I had been robbed of my

I met my wife in college, so whatever reasoning I had to go there all worked out for the best.

Yes, sometimes art, like life, is grotesque.

The Nancy Reagan book looks like another stop on the scrubbing of national memory about how awful the Reagans were for so many people in the country and around the world. So Nancy danced with a lesbian writer at a large public event? I don’t give a shit. She facilitated and enabled one of the worst US presidents

A close guy friend of mine explained to me that men are usually the last to know that their relationships are ending. Men in relationships tend to tune out their partners because guys figure women complain about everything anyway and most of that unhappiness gets worked out. So by the time the relationship is done,

Love is still alive!!!!!! My OTP Jeffrey and Ina Garten are still going strong. Love is alive and living in a beautiful house in the Hamptons with a huge carton of heavy cream always in the fridge.

Her brows are much more sculpted and thicker.

I looked very different in my early 20’s, if anything she looks even more beautiful. And if she’s had any work done it’s tasteful and not distracting.

I hope his kids find him toxic. I hope they’re like Floyd Mayweather’s kid, and don’t want shit to do with him, will go to court and say so.

I don’t know. Because who would want to look at that face all day, knowing he trashes black women? He looks like bad brie. Does he have billion dollar trust somewhere that he has kept hidden?

Right?! Wtf is up with that relationship.

His wife doesn’t love herself.

I guess that depends on how you define most. Respectability politics are alive and well in the year of our lord 2018.

No snark, but I honestly don’t know why this would be shocking. The same culture that teaches men to hate women also teaches women to hate women.

Vicki brought Brooks out of the woodwork and propagated his cancer scam, so Vicki’s worse.

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women