
Fun facts for y’all: Black women have the highest labor force participation rate among women (62.7% vs 57.2% of white women) and are the only group of women with a higher labor force participation rate than their male counterparts. Black women who worked full-time, year-round had median annual earnings that were 65

A well meaning non-black friend was upset that Michelle Obama didn’t work when she became First Lady but focused on raising her children (and you know, actually being First Lady). I had to kindly explain to her that black women having been working outside of the home since the moment they stepped foot in this country

Domestic workers were and are invisible.

Really, it’s not an attack on her heritage, Steve King? When the first FREAKING WORDS of your meme were “When you claim Cuban heritage yet you don’t speak Spanish”?!

He’s also a shithead who criticizes someone for a patch bearing the flag of a nation they didn’t live in while displaying a motherfucking Confederate flag on his desk.

You say this only a few days after St. Patrick’s day, but... sure.

Yea.....I’m not going to feel bad for Mike.

I have your same taste.

Oh Mark’d Mike, as soon as you saw that you counter programming to the #MarchForOurLives, your ass should have been on the ‘Gram, back peddling hard against your BS (not Bernie Sanders) commentary. Real friends don’t set up friends to come off as insensitive assholes unless they’re out to get theirs and cares not

This interview can be used as a study guide for any teacher giving a lesson on situational irony. I’ve never taken Mike, for anything other than entertaining, he’s definitely not an example of anything, well, he wasn’t until today when he became the example of what not to do when you’re trying to appear “woke”. If

You know what was crazy - I was like “Dude needs a 101-level class in semiotics because sitting up there with his gold chains and his Black Power shirt with the fist on it, I don’t know who he thinks Da Real NRA Racists are going to draw a bead on first with their AKs.

Biiiitch. Lemme find out “activist” KillerMike’s actually an Opp plant. Spouting that bullshit garnished with equally stank whataboutism, on the platform of a group that gives exactly zero fvcks about Black people, on a day officially focused on demanding change while commemorating the unjustly killed? Another joins

The supper bowl sounds fantastic though.


Pretty much. I know plenty of Black folks who own guns, I don’t know a single one in the NRA.

As people recoil over this causing his revenue streams dry up, he will become a regular contributor.

Yeah, Killer Mike is a useful idiot for RWNJs.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED that Bernie’s house negro allowed himself to be used by apolitical organization that values White possessions over Black lives.

Every Bernie Sanders Stan who used Killer Mike as the ultimate “He has a black friend!” move can now, officially, kiss the blackest part of my ass.

People shouldn’t be surprised by this. He always let his 2A support be known. But for the people who love Run the Jewels (most white, wannabe DJs I know) or Bernie Sanders (Shaun King), I guess this comes as a shock? Killer Mike didn’t play himself—this is who he is.