
We’re part-way through the annual National Network of Abortion Funds donor drive! Won’t you please help a sister out and support my fundraiser? Money goes to ARC Southeast and people who need abortions in Georgia but are unable to access them safely because of all sorts of financial difficulties. It only takes a

I know people often like to paint me as a bit of a failure in that department, but maybe it’s not my destiny yet to have met the one.

The male Deadspin writers and I are certain that Hillary’s Goldman Sachs speeches would have led her administration to do the exact same thing.

It is never acceptable to attack a child. Never

So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.

Israelis live under Israeli civil law.

I would also love for someone better than Cuomo to come along. Oh, and by the way, there could be someone better. Do you know who else is running? Terry Gipson, a former state senator. Increased funding for state parks and the environmental protection fund. Also increased funding for grants for job-creating

But I was told on Gawker (good riddance) all throughout 2016 that income equality would solve EVERY issue. This study can’t be right.

Even if it wasn’t some plot... I mean it doesn’t seem so farfetched to me that this lady was like “I love you but don’t call me until you finally get your shit together” - and he finally got his shit together.

He voluntarily handed in his Black Card decades ago, a la “I’m not Black, I’m OJ.”

I wouldn’t trust that fool to tell me the sky was blue, especially since looking up to confirm his statement would leave my neck open to a knife strike.

O.J. lecturing on appropriate behavior is pretty much 2018 in a nutshell.

cuz people be stoopid, lazy, and entitled.

Which then has to be followed up (there is always a follow-up question, regardless of what Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders wants us to think) with the question “Did you, then, get what you came for ...?”


the part where they say the puppy cried until it could no longer draw breath will haunt me.

Um, if someone told me to put my dog in the bin, I’d be like, “Yo there is a dog in there.” And if they continued to insist, I would ask to speak to the head attendant, and then the pilot. And if they still insisted, I’d get my ass off that plane. NOTHING would cause me to put my dog in the overhead bin. I would risk

 I am honestly a little bit tired of so-called progressive dudes crapping all over Democratic ladies while not looking to so-called progressive men doing squat for either women’s rights or minority rights.