
Kaley Cuoco is one of those people that *needs* to be in a relationship. I have a good friend who is like this. She just split up with her husband of 7 years (together for 10 total) in January and she’s already dating someone else. I’m baffled by it.

One does wonder where the roles are for the Thandie Newtons, Sophie Okonedos, Marianne Jean-Baptistes of this world though.

One of my favorites ever. I need some sort of time and space traveling device so I can steal it from her and go back 10 years and wear it to my own wedding. And also transform into a supermodel...

Youth ain’t wasted on that couple. They’re going to make some ridiculously cute AF children (if that’s what they want, that is)

she looked beautiful! her wedding dress really did have a vintage vibe to it, but it’s definitely a classic and I wouldn’t be surprised if more brides opted to wear a capelet.

Her ceremony dress. Likeeeeeeeee. That dress is stunning. Stunning.

Off topic but I was just thinking about James Avery and how great a father figure he was for us teens of color. To all accounts he was equally great off set. I guess I just want to say screw Bill Cosby. Uncle Phil should get more love than he does.

KimYe also aren’t leaders of a major intersectional movement. Regardless of your stance on Tamika Mallory, how are the two even remotely comparable?

Look, cults manage to do good work sometimes. They pick up broken people and put them back together, people no one else wants to bother with. That doesn’t make them not a cult. It doesn’t make the shit they spew true or not dangerous.

Firstly, as a former publicist, I cannot believe they only gave you ten minutes. I don’t believe her schedule was that full that they couldn’t give you more time. They had to know when they scheduled the interview some of these questions would pop up. Stupid of them not to have anticipated. In addition, I’m a little

Young Black women are saying that they absolutely still experience high levels of colorism and Black men who simply don’t date Black women. It’s talked about online quite a bit.

The irony of someone named “Jakoury” talking about embarrassing the race has not been lost upon me...

Oh forget this Jakoury McQueen guy.

But if Tommy Lee is your father and bad facial hair is the worst life choice you’ve got going on, you’re doing pretty good.

Dude your former roommate AJ is on the Shitty Media Men list. Your Pot Therapy co-host called what Roman Polanski did “banging a thirteen year old” right here on Jezebel. Maybe people should be badgering YOU on #MeToo.

“She found herself instead with Mr. Khan, an acquaintance who had been pursuing her, who sat with her as she threw up several times and accompanied her back to her room afterward.”

She’s spoken out about sexual harassment before, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity for her to speak out again at a time when the mainstream media has caught up. And if Jon Hamm were interviewed, I’d fully expect him to be asked about Matt Weiner.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

I find orgasms easy to achieve with a battery powered toy, but unfortunately they are elusive when a man gets involved. That is probably a metaphor for life.

this is sad.