
I love Mindy. That is all.

Kat Kaling. Great name. They are going to have so much fun together! After the baby starts sleeping and before she is in middle school.

I really don’t understand why anyone gives Andrew Sullivan a platform. His stupid screed against intersectionality really showed just how limited he is in imagining anyone’s experience outside of his own. America is suffering from a terminal lack of imagination these days.

somewhat related, Charmbracelet is a good album.

Remember that time that Eminem had sex and fell in love with Mariah Carey, and told the world. And she was so ashamed that she of it that she devoted and entire song and video to her personal denial of the events.

Take that BS flaccid toxic masculinity somewhere else. Preferably to go watch some horrible 80s Stallone movie.

I’m pretty sick of Dr. West basically calling Coates and Obama neoliberal Uncle Toms. Also, fuck Andrew Sullivan for using “Between the World and Me” as an excuse to play the angry black man card.

That’s exactly what they’re doing. They call everyone a neoliberal. Did Hillary Clinton want to privatize schools? Does Coates? Did Obama? No. It’s nonsense.

Never forget the Dr. West also calls Bill Maher his “brother.” He’s been looking funny in the light. His foolish rantings about Coates just smells a bit like jealousy. And now I’m pissed that Coates has been driven off Twitter.

West is salty at Obama because he wouldn’t talk about race and he’s salty at Coates because Coates talks about race too much. At what point does this become Old Man Contrarianism wrapped in a veneer of intellectual thought?

You know... I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that it’s really normal to be mega pissed at your luggage getting lost by the airline. Probably even sara there would at least have a tinge of annoyance.

Prediction: Smiley goes full Darius Rucker, resurrects career on FOX by 2019

Never go full hotep.

Same. Now I want to watch the Escape music video over and over.

This points to the issue I have with the far left. It’s the fetishization of “revolution” and “struggle” to the point that even when we do make real advances it’s not enough. You’re either down with the struggle or a sellout. I’m a single black woman making more money than I ever thought I would. I own my own home. I

Some of my frustration with Dr. West and Tavis Smiley’s criticism of President Obama was that they acted as though President Obama’s policies were some sort of shocking betrayal. President Obama, when he was candidate Obama, was very clear about how he would govern. Going back to his days at the Harvard Law Review he

Obama had a shit load of more pressing issues then Dr.West.

I have had a lot of respect for Dr. West (even though I disagree with him on a lot of things). There’s nothing I can say that’s more insightful than this article, so I’ll go petty. It annoys the shit out of me how often Dr. West uses “neoliberal” as a pejorative. I hear it far too often from Bernie Bros who use it the

As a life-long fan of Cornell West’s writing, I determined that I couldn’t fcuk with him no more around the time that he and Tavis (RIP) started that bulls**t tour complaining about Obama. While I was never part of the whole “we MUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT Obama” chorus, I felt that, if you was gonna critique the 1st

It’s not that you have to sign off on it, you’re responsible as owner of the company. That’s where the buck stops, whether you review the hiring/firing decision, or not.