Fun fact. Minnie just became a dual citizen so she can vote. I heart her so much and love her work on Speechless.
Fun fact. Minnie just became a dual citizen so she can vote. I heart her so much and love her work on Speechless.
I don’t normally engage people ecpressing anti-immigrant sentiment/xeniphobia, but I majored in Economics and am the daughter of two formerly undocumented persons. I walked across the stage at my graduation from UC Berkeley while my dad sat in an ICE detetion center over 600 miles from my parents’ home. Only 2 people…
Ask my mother.... having children doesn’t automatically mean your life will be filled with joy (my brother is autistic non verbal and sadly... violent, it’s not his fault bc he has no way to communicate and truly doesn’t know better, I was a horrible teenager with a heroin addiction, luckily it’s been over a decade…
CDAN tends to have that claim about most women. I wonder why?
I’m at the point where I don’t want him to resign over sexual misconduct. I’m not sure I want him to resign at all. I want his ass nailed to the wall and prosecuted for obstruction and treason.
Thanks Ann Coulter, don’t speak for all of us single people, I’m happy, probably because I am not a miserable racist like you. I also support helping out working families more even if it won’t benefit me because I’m not a selfish troll. (Which doesn’t mean I support the GOP tax bill, that thing is a mess)
His ongoing freedom his offensive. There is little he could say or do that could make me hate him more.
Yaaassssss... a fellow addict I see!
I anticipate seeing this on ID soon. “Fatal Vows”, most likely.
No, even then I wouldn’t trust his judgment on picking a good team.
While im sure The Rock would be infinitely better than what we major concern is when he talks politics it feels like he takes great lengths to not pick a position or champion a cause. He keeps saying almost prepared to a lidicrous extent of saccharine politically correct and neutral things.
Yeah, but I don’t think the mob, or at least the American mob, is going around destroying sacred objects because it’s associated with another religion.
This absolutely is religious terrorism and it would behoove (and be the decent thing) for the Brazilian Government to shut this down before they have an ISIS or a Bosnia type situation where the controlling religious group perpetrates war crimes on the others. Not that abuse, property destruction and menacing haven’t…
Blessed are the dealers, for they shall inherit the earth.
Let me get this straight, these assholes are claiming to be getting rid of evil whilst indulging in the evil of poisoning communities with poisonous drugs cut with dubious substances?
This reminds me of the fact that I go to a school that is vastly majority white. And yet, black girls at school seem to get a disproportionate amount of punishment for dress code violations.