
I’m glad this guy loves snow! It’s really the first thing about snow to make me smile in a long time! The only thing I love about snow is staying inside while it happens, but unfortunately that’s not always possible!

So Mike Pence is boring, ambitious, and moral. Damn, we certainly don’t want that in a leader!

Some men just want to watch the world burn...

He’s not moral, he’s moralizing. There is a big difference.

Lego is now suing for defamation.

So, y’all know a man like this has to have more skeletons in his closet (probably literal ones) than the Paris catacombs, right? You will never be able to tell me there aren’t some dead girls/live boys up in his brilliantly constructed closet. No sir.

I see this as less about Pence’s straight-as-an-arrow demeanor, but about Pence trying to help Pence. He’d sell out “Mother” if it meant he got to keep the skin on his ass. This is the usual Pence fake morality. I can’t wait until HIS pee-pee tape, made in a seedy hotel in Terre Haute, comes to light.

But even so, I’m kind of over this “cool girl” trend where every woman who has feelings or emotions and isn’t like “fuck these dudes” or the quintessential “bad bitch” is some how worthy of mockery and ridicule.  

Just when I thought non monagamy was making a better name for itself. I know not every NM woman feels this way, but I peace the fuck out if I find out someone I’ve been sleeping with is being dishonest, either actively or by omission, to me or anyone else they’re with. Too many men get off on using women against each

The court found Dylan Farrow’s claim to be credible and Allen not to be. The court also found that Allen had attempted to influence testimony. He lost four court cases over this, including two appeals. Other adults (non family members) corroborated Dylan’s account at the time. This is not a “he said, she said” but

Maybe it is your own responsibility to read more than one source before forming an opinion.

Which, if you think about it, is kind of the point of the article. Interesting proof of concept, really.

You’ve completely disregarded the point of the article to focus on someone who put spyware on her own computer. If you’re so concerned for privacy, why not address how this guy violated her privacy by publishing her private sexual habits for all to see?

It was her OWN computer.

It was her computer!

Cline does not “admit to having been an abusive partner.” She admits to behavior you view as abuse and she does not. Defining “abuse” as a twenty-year-old putting keystroke-recording software on her own computer, which her thirty-three-year-old partner sometimes used, so that she could establish that he was cheating

Great points.

I’ve found that when trash dudes use “likeable”, they really mean “bangable” because, in their eyes, a woman’s worth is inexorably linked to whether or not they want to have sex with her.

I have been screaming this (shrilly, yes, even hysterically!) since last year, and I’ve been told over and over by people I otherwise agree with that she was such a BAD CANDIDATE. SO CORRUPT. It doesn’t even feel good to be vindicated at this point.

Finally - someone is talking about it! The entire campaign all I heard about was Clinton’s “likeability” problem. No one who said that was doing any introspection. And anytime someone mentioned sexism, they’d overreact and completely derail the discussion. Kinda makes me think they were so hysterical over it because