
Being ride or die for your friends, even when they’re accused of horrible things, is not a virtue. It’s the hallmark of rapey fraternities and crooked cops. I was never in the fraternity, so seeing men who are willing to turn on their friends when they behave badly is a sign that I might find some safety in a group.

Your rape apologizing is exactly why ALL of this happens. Society brushes sexual assault victims aside because it’s inconvenient.

He also donated Jordans to Chicago CPS kids at the Open Mike event held yesterday at the Harold Washington Library.

My man just pulled some Marshawn Lynch “I’m just here so I don’t get fined” on Jolly St. Nick. This kid if a hero and I hope he gets everything he asks for this year.

I would absolutely go for this idea.

She thinks someone being so racist that she can’t even talk to her non-white coworkers without getting into a fight with is “such a small thing to break up over”. She’s made her choice, she needs to live with the consequences.

I tend to think that Obama was more progressive than he governed, though not nearly as progressive as both black and white left wing intellectuals would prefer.

i heard that west and smiley’s resentment of obama was simply because they didn’t get a personal invite to the white house. in other words, he wasn’t gonna hang with them so they were like, okay fuck obama (a resentment you would expect from pre-teens not grown ass men).

Yes! This! This is my problem with him! He seems to delight in bashing other successful Black people as not good enough, not authentic enough, too well-loved by white people. It’s over the top. He talked about Obama as if he was worse than any white person could possibly be.

Unfairly or not, a lot of black folks thought Obama was going to be our big “come up,” and were upset when he did not cape for us like we caped for him.

You redeemed yourself a little with this, Michael: “Something happened to Cornel West. Whenever a black academic starts getting love from the public, West shows up to knock them down. He did it with Melissa Harris-Perry. He did it with Michael Eric Dyson. Now he’s doing it with Ta-Nehisi Coates. West has become a

West later called Al Sharpton the “bona fide house Negro of the Obama plantation,”

A few months ago, I was at a Bernie Sanders rally in Birmingham, Ala., surrounded by white people excited to see their Democratic socialist Santa Claus. 

A couple of unrelated points I’m too lazy to work together.

And this is what happens when you comment on books you haven’t even fucking read yet... or even listened to Coates talk about the book in a 10 minute interview.

Yeah, she seems to have zero self preservation, because to her, it’s either marry a racist dude or join a commune. She’d rather marry an abusive, racist cop than be alone. She’s myopic to the very real danger because her bubble of privilege has served her well enough in life so far. I don’t get it, dude.

This was the super red flag to me. Is Becky aware police officers are the highest demographic of domestic abusers? It’s not just that he is a racist, it’s also that he’s a controlling piece of shit who apparently throws a tantrum any time his fiancee speaks to a black man at work. Everything about this relationship is

I adore John Oliver.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

My personal favorite.