
I am a rape victim. A victim of a violent stranger rape to be specific. In some ways, being a victim of sexual assault does infantilize you. You feel like a helpless woman-child for years after. You stop growing because you stop exploring the world. You stay home and watch TV and music videos. For 15 years now I am

“My dad gave me a pink gun so, there’s a lot there.”

It’s quite simple, really. White mediocrity is constantly rewarded.

I never understood the Matt Lauer as most eligible bachelor/playboy phenomena. He isn’t that handsome nor charismatic—he is just a completely average looking man without the facial bone structure to really pull off the bald look. His reporting skills were mediocre. His likeability is mediocre (he has always come

If you are the type of person who considers Taylor Swift a bad bitch, then I guess you also think sour cream is spicy.

As an alumnus of Beverly Hills High, I can assure you that plenty of my classmates - including the children of the most well known celebrities - went into those mundane professions.

Or a small commemorative Dumpster.

And increasingly crappy at covering American stuff, I fear.

The funny thing is, if you watch Today he really seems to like dogs. He gushes over the guide dogs they foster. Probably treats them better than humans.

Always trust the judgement of animals and children. They can identify an asshole from 10 feet away.

That explains a lot. I didn’t even think to look a their comment history.

RIP Yetta.

“You do NOT DESERVE my fluffypanted adorability, you monster. UNHAND ME AT ONCE.”


A Nanny reboot would be great, but I’d love to see Fran Drescher in anything. She was so great a few weeks ago on Broad City. I’d love to see her land a good TV role. 

Was there ever any doubt? That’s why abuse doesn’t only happen to so called pretty girls, because it is all about power. That’s what they get off on.

I’d definitely watch a Nanny reboot, but it won’t be the same without Yetta.

I hope she took the dog.

Did she take the dog with her? I hope she took the dog.