Exactly. Phyllis is practically a subcategory of YouTube.
Exactly. Phyllis is practically a subcategory of YouTube.
Hol’ up. I have questions.
1. I live where it’s cold and we still fire up the grill and smoker for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve done it in the midwest. I’m black. I thought we were black here. Nothing should keep you from the grill except wind (unless you hate your neighbors and want to burn their house down) or…
Is she a regular caller? Why does the tv show have her photo?
For those who need reference...it was glorious:
They really don’t deserve those nice beaches... but to be fair, they are home to the greatest call-in sports-show caller on the planet.
I still miss Carrie Fisher. I can’t imagine how her family felt when that story broke, it was brutal. We’re all conditioned to want to know information asap, but it really sucks when something like this happens, or like with Tom Petty. I can’t imagine what it’s like to find out your loved one has died/is dying from…
Honey, maybe you shouldn’t have kids if you’re such a weak bitch that you can’t teach your kid “fuck” is a dirty word (BY YOUR STANDARDS) and they shouldn’t say it. My parents somehow figured out how to teach us character mattered and how to be good citizens without giving a damn what other people were doing.
Do you ever listen to Randi Rhodes? She’s been hinting at dirt about Franken for years. She’s talked about some professional beefs she had with him in the Air America days, but always implied there’s more. I bet her show will be a humdinger this afternoon! (She’s on YouTube 4-6pmEST)
I live in Fort Bend County where this guy is sheriff. I’ve also seen this truck several times. I guarantee that the person who complained was one of the sheriff’s donors and supporters. This is clear cut 1st amendment. They want her to take it off and she is saying no. The man even held a press conference about it.…
My favorite question of all time is “were you lying then, or are you lying now?” and Rep Lieu delivered it perfectly.
You haven’t because you are OK with white extremist groups.
OK, Bilbo Bigot.
OMG you and daddy yankee again?
OMG. I remember Greg Vaughan from General Hospital and Charmed, of all things. I had no idea he looks so. damn. good. now. The power of the salt and pepper hair is terrifying.
I love any excuse to post photos of my Zaddies.
Girllllll lmaoooooo. He is handsome though. HI MICHAEL
Are you his mom? He said his mom probably posted that comment! LOL
Honorable mention: